Rosewood History

Group of people beside cars. Rosewood, 1930s
 Photo: Gordon Yarrow  Src: Picture Ipswich


People make a community (common-unity). They are connected to each other by one or more attributes and are united by the things they have in common e.g. history, geography, religion, circumstance, culture, race, ideas and ideals. When people are interested in each other and share experiences it creates a sense of togetherness and mutual respect.

Within the memories of many of the Rosewood district residents are their own experiences and stories which have been passed down.

People came from far and wide in the early settlement days. From then to now there have been incredible changes. The old folk, now long gone, told of the difficulties and triumphs of making their homes in the scrub. They were witness to the destruction of large areas of timber and the first successful crops grown in defiance of the intermittent interjection of cruel forces of nature. They worked with set purpose and sowed the seeds to birth the town and make it thrive.

These were the days when people lived for one-another and with one-another, breeding the great community spirit. The more that was put into a community, the more that its members got out of it; the better it was, the better fared the individual.

These people were our ancestors. Their legacy is our reward and it is certainly cause for celebration. 

Just like those early days, people will come from elsewhere to make their homes in the Rosewood district. Befriending our new neighbours is a great place to start to enrich our common-unity.

Together, we are the people making a legacy for those who follow. It is now up to us to work with set purpose to sow the seeds to keep the “essence” of our town and district alive.

© Jane Schy, 2024