Rosewood History

Rosewood Hibernian-Australasian Catholic Benefit Society ca. 1925

Front row: Unidentified; W. Potts; Walter Collingwood; John Potts; Unidentified; W. Sloane; Pat Hogan; Bernie Farrell
Second row: W. Keane; Unidentified; Jack O’Shea; Jack Hogan; Fr. McKenna; Unidentified; M. Burke; James O’Shea
Third row: Unidentified; E. O’Sullivan; J. O’Reilly; J. A. Hagerman; J. Keane; Unidentified; Alex. Potts; Gerald Nolan; Unidentified; Unidentified; Unidentified
Back row: Unidentified; Paddy Madden; Pat Ahearn; Billy Bennett; Unidentified; Unidentified; Jim Hogan; Unidentified; Barney Sloane; Unidentified.


Rosewood Farmers’ Club – 1877

The Rosewood Show – An exhibition of sorts was held in July 1877 in the old school house at Rosewood Gate. Dan Desbois, the first school master, was the Secretary of the committee. No animals were shown. It was described as being like a “Paddy’s Market” with farmer’s displaying their produce.

Soon after (23rd July) John William Vance convened a meeting in his home and the Rosewood Farmers’ Club was formed. On 20th August a committee of nine was elected to manage the affairs of the society:- John Mitchell (president), Lawrence Smallbone (treasurer), Dan Desbois (Secretary), John William Vance, Joseph Hudson, William Perrem, Mark Bensley, and Nicholas Wiegand. Dan Desbois was later replaced by Francis William Johns, the newly appointed head teacher, as Secretary.

Other who joined the Farmers’ Club were Patrick O’Donnell, Charles Urry, Charles Cowell, William Mathew, Henry McGeary, Christoph Eitel, James Dale, Joseph Hudson, Robert Boughen, James Moran, Charles Dutney, Henry Hannant, Richard Mason, John Farrell, Richard Scanlan, James Ponting, Wilhelm Arndt, Samuel Waight, William Blackmore, Henry Ludlow, Walter Loveday, James Pickles, Thomas Alfred Butt, John Dart,  Domineco Pedrazinni, John Lane, T. E. Coulson, Henry Jacobs, William Scanlan, John Moore, George Coulson, John Dove, Conrad Izlaub, William Austin and Walter Bunney. 

These men carefully planned the schedule. The first show under the auspices of the Farmers’ Club was held on 2nd August 1878 in the school room at Rosewood Gate.

Rosewood Blue Ribbon Society – 1882

The Blue Ribbon Society extended their operations to Rosewood in December 1882. A very successful meeting was held on Monday night 18th December and about thirty adherents were added to the cause. The great aim of their movement was “To secure personal sobriety on a scale so large as to change the social life of the colony; to stimulate and unite the friends of temperance everywhere to more active exertion in suppressing the drinking customs of the day.” The mode of operation proposed was “By holding public meetings, gospel and temperance addresses, singing or sacred and temperance melodies, and the reading and reciting of temperance and other sound literature, as approved of by the committee.” The members pledged to be abstainers and were expected to wear a blue ribbon as a public testimony of their principles.


L.O.L. Success of Rosewood No 22 -1883 (P.A.F.S.O.A.)

22nd March – A benefit lodge in connection with the Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia was opened at the Rosewood Gate and named “Success of the Rosewood, No. 2.”” The ceremony was performed in the Congregational Church at the Gate by Bro. G. H. Shillito. District Master, who, accompanied by Bros. R. Hoare, H. Spencer, C. Hooper, J. G. Burke, J. Berry, A. Berry, and H. Wuff, drove up from Ipswich for the purpose. Fourteen members were initiited and several more are expected to join on the next lodge night. The following officers were installed:–Bro. W. Smallbone, W.M.; Bro. W. Freeman, D.M.; Bro. J. W. Evans, secretary; Bro. W. Matthew, treasurer; Bro. Albert J. Vance, chaplain; Bro. W. Beavis, jun., S.E.; Bro. H. Smallbone, J.E.; Bro. Boughen, I.G.; Bro. W . Bassett, 0.G.; Bros. C. Yarrow, J. Ponting, and R. Embrey, trustees. The initiation fees amounted to a trifle over £13. After the more serious business had been performed, the brethren and several friends sat down to a very pleasant luncheon which had been provided by some of the ladies residing close to the place a of meeting and the hearty thanks of the company were accorded to them.

1890 – Alfred Gower was the Secretary of the Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia, Rosewood branch.

Rosewood Brass Band – 1892

In November 1891 steps were taken to form a brass band in Rosewood. The newly formed band performed very credibly at the Congregational Anniversary Service in May 1892.

The Rosewood Mutual Improvement and Debating Class – 1896

A meeting of those interested in the formation of the Rosewood Debating Class was held in the Victoria Hall on Saturday 3rd October 1896, and was fairly well attended. Mr. J. Tuffley was voted to the chair, and after a few remarks by the Chairman and Mr. Mardon as to the benefits to be derived from the formation of such a class, it was resolved that one be formed, to be called “The Rosewood Mutual Improvement and Debating Class.” The following officers were appointed:- President, Mr. J. Tuffley; vice-president, Mr. W. Ruhno; treasurer, Mr. D. Pfrunder; secretary, Mr. E. J. Mardon. Committee, Messrs. A. Gower, W. E. Collett, and M. Burke. All present signified their intention of becoming members, and, as the fee for membership was only 6d. per month, it was to be hoped that a strong class will soon be formed. Already the aspirations of some of the members were running high, and the Ipswich Debating Society may, would in the near future expect a challenge from the Rosewoodites to take up the cudgels of debate on some burning questions of the day. It was also the wish of the class that any visiting members from kindred societies happening to be in Rosewood on a Friday evening should make tracks for the Victoria Hall, and give them the benefit of their advice and intellect. They would be made welcome.

Masonic Lodge Rosewood 878 S. C. – 1898

The consecration of a new lodge under the Scottish constitution at Rosewood was held at the Congregational Church on Friday evening the 27th instant, some sixty brethren responding to the invitation of the master elect. The consecration ceremony was performed by the District Grand Master of Scottish Freemasonry in Queensland, the Right Worshipful Bro. T. Mylne, assisted by his Grand Lodge officers, and was most impressive and instructive. The installation ceremony was ably performed by R.W. Bro. Ashton, D.G.L.B.W., who also gave the final charges. The officers installed were Bros. J. K. Burns, R.W.M.; H. Randall, D.M.; J. Hargreaves, S.M.; R. S. Hodge, S.W.; G. Perry, J.W.; R. Lee Bryce, treasurer; W. H. Mossop, secretary ; Rev. R. Figgis, chaplain; J. W. Watkins, S.D.; J. W. B. Sumner, J.D.; N. Purdon, I.G.; G. Lambert, O.G. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the brethren adjourned to the Farmers’ Hall, where a cold collation was partaken of, and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts duly honoured, interspersed with a selection of songs splendidly rendered by Bros. Parlane, Reid, Durstan, Ambler, Watkins, and Sealy. The hall was very tastefully decorated, and the tables fairly groaned under the good things provided by the ladies, who deserved praise for their unselfish work. The bouquets of flowers were admired by the visitors, who carried them off as a pleasing souvenir ot the function.

Rosewood Amateur Minstrel and Dramatic Company – October 1901

The members of the troupe were Messrs. Hahm, Venthem, Ponting, and Schilling (tambos), J. D. Eichstadt and  C. M. Pickering (bones), F. Walduck, and J. O’Donnell. Mr. F. O’Donnell made an excellent interlocutor, his enunciations being very distinct. Mr. E. A. Maher was stage manager, and Mr. Tuffley conductor.

U.A.O.D – (United Ancient Order of Druids ) 1903

H.A.C.B. (Hibernian-Australasian Catholic Benefit Society) Rosewood branch 1903

The branch flourished in the early days and assisted many members in times of sickness or accident. Members 1903 : B. Madden, W. Rafter, A. Lake, D. J. O’Brien, M O’Neil, H. Creedy, M. Connors, J. Reddan, D. J. Gough, J. Keating, W. Hogan, M. Baker, H. Wright, W. Keane, N. O’Neill. J. B. Farrell, P. Rafter, A. B. Luck, W. Howe, H. Rafter, R. Merlehan, W. Sloane, J. R. Keane, J. O’Shea, H. Collingwood, M. Rea, J. Roache, J. Brown, W. Collingwood.

Women’s Christian Temperance Union – 1903

A special meeting in connection with the formation of the Rosewood branch of the W. C.T.U. was held in the Rosewood Farmers’ Hall on Thursday 26th November 1903 at 2.45 p.m. Members and candidates were present. The meeting was addressed by Mrs W. M. Payne and Miss A. Horne. At 7 p.m. the two ladies gave addresses on the principles and objects of the union. (13 members) President: Mrs H. M. Stevens; Secretary: Miss Waight; Treasurer: Mrs James Collett; Vice Presidents: Mesdames Barnett and West.

Rosewood Miners’ Association – 1908

9th March – The meeting of the Rosewood Miners’ Association was held in Sloane’s Hotel. Mr. Ernest Coleman presided. The secretary was instructed to write to the district secretary for books for the proper working of the branch. The following were appointed to the committee:- Messrs. P. Dalton, J. Jones, H. Berlin, T. Kiddie. It was decided that the union contributions should be collected on Saturdays.

Workers’ Political Organisation – 1909

A W.P.O. was formed at Rosewood on March 18th. The president (J. Bennett), two Vice presidents, and treasurer were elected, Mr. A. M’Lean was elected secretary.

School of Arts – 1909

10th February 1909 – The newly formed School of Arts committee met and elected finance, book, and room committees. The president (Major J. W. Watkins) reported that the institution was meeting with very good support from the residents.

The committees were: Finance, Messrs. J. F. Hall, J. F. Collett, and W. M’Namara: book, Major Watkins, Dr. Anderson, and Mr. A. M’Lean; room, Messrs. J. P. Hahm, D. Akes and W. J. Bennett; auditors, Messrs. B. Sloane and F. B. Tomlin: rule committee, Major Watkins and Messrs. J. F. Hall, E. J. Moller, W. J. Bennett, and A. M’Lean. 

The secretary was instructed to write to the Department of Education informing them of the formation of a School of Arts in Rosewood, and asking for particulars regarding endorsement to such institutions. 

The concert committee had made arrangements for a concert to be held Saturday the 27th to procure funds for the purchase of more books for the library. 

Rosewood Chamber of Commerce – October 1910

Messrs. W. Ruhno (president), A. B. Yates (secretary), W. J. Bennett (assistant secretary), A. S. Ogg (treasurer), E. Bulcock, E. A. Maher, J. F. Hall, E. J. Pender.

1930 (re-formed) – At a meeting held on July 2nd  it was decided to re-form the Chamber of Commerce. The following officers were elected:- President. Mr. H. J. M’Guckin; vice-presidents, Messrs. H. M. Grant and R. Sellars: secretary, Mr. M. Walsh; treasurer, Mr. T. Sweeney; committee, Messrs. P. Morton, N. Boughen, W, Wass, J. W. Evans, and W. Baker.

1948 (re-formed) – A meeting of citizens in the Rosewood Farmers’ Hall on Wednesday night, 14th April, decided to form a Rosewood Chamber of Commerce. Sixteen persons atended the meeting, which was presided over by Cr. C. Murphy (Chairman of the Rosewood Shire Council). Officers elected were: President, Cr. I. Ham: Vice-presidents, Messrs. M. Maxwell and N. Ruhno; Treasurer, Mr. J. R. Reid; and Secretary, Mr. C. Richardson. The matter of drawing up rules and regulations was left for the attention of the officers, and a general meeting was to be called later to discuss their recommendations.

Rosewood Agricultural and Horticultural Association – 1911

The Rosewood Farmers’ Club was accepted as a Friendly Society in 1906, then registered its change of name to the “Rosewood Agricultural and Horticultural Association” on 10th August 1911. Its objectives were listed as: 

(a) To encourage farming in all forms, art science, and manufactures as far as the district is concerned; to advertise and develop the resources of the district, and to hold shows and exhibitions.
(b) To provide rational recreation, promote social intercourse, and the mental and mutual improvement of the members generally.
(c) To promote the general advancement of the town of Rosewood and district. 

Red Cross Society – 1914

Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 – 1954), Friday 28 August 1914, page 6
A meeting of ladies, convened by Mrs. H. M. Stevens, was held in the School of Arts on Wednesday afternoon, to form a Red Cross Society . Those present were Mesdames H. M. Stevens, Wallace, Mark, Jeffreys, Ruhno, Eichstadt, Rutler, Sloane, Bade, Goebel, Elliott, Waldron, Millard, W. White, Young, Gilpin, Domrow, sen., Elder, Manthorpe, W. Berlin, Gard, L. Muller, M’Kinley, and Crichton, and Misses Nimmo, Lane, Madden, M’Geary, Casey, Mark, and Germain. Apologies were received from Mesdames 0gg, Eagle, G. Harding. T. White, and Binnie (2). The following officers were elected :-President, Mrs. H. M. Stevens; secretary, Miss L. Mark: treasurer, Mrs. A. Crichton; committee, Mesdames W. White, Ruhno, W. Berlin, Elliott, and Sloane. It was decided to meet every Wednesday afternoon in the School of Arts, to receive and deliver goods, and the workers are requested to attend on Saturday next to receive the first lot of work. The following donations were received:
Mrs. H. M. Stevens ……£ 1/ 1/ 0; Mrs. J. Elder ……£1 /1/ 0; Mrs. W. Ruhno ……£1/ 1/ 0; Mrs. G. Harding …..£1/0 /0;  Mrs. T. White ……£1/ 0/ 0; Mrs. Jeffreys ….. 10/ 6; Mrs. J. R. Mark …….10/6; Mrs. F . W. J. Eichstadt…..10/6; Mrs. W. White …….10/6; Mrs. B. Sloane ……10/6; Mrs. Domrow, sen…10 /6; Mrs. D. Binnie ……10 /6; Mrs. T. Binnie ……..10 /6; Mrs. Eagle …….10/0; Mrs. (Dr.) Wallace ….10/0; Mrs. S. Gilpin …..5 /0; Mrs. R. Manthorpe ……5 /0; Mrs. A. Crichton …..5/0; Mrs. M’Kinley …….5/0; Mrs. H. Rutter …..5/0; Mrs. E. Millard …..5/0; Mrs. W. J. Young …..5/0; Mrs. G. Gard ……5/0; Mrs. J. Waldron …..5/0; Miss Germain ……5/0; Miss M’Geary ……5/0; Miss Nimmo ….2/0; Miss Madden …… 2/6; Miss Lane …… 2/6     Total ……..£13/9 6

M.U.I.O.O.F. – Loyal Pride of Rosewood – 1915

(Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows)
A branch of the M.U.I.O.O.F. was opened in the Masonic Hall, Rosewood, on Saturday, November 27. The. new lodge was opened under the name of the Local Pride of Rosewood and the following officers were installed:- P.N.G. Bro. V. Edwards; N.H.Q. Bro. T. Kenyon; R.S. Bro. W. Richardson: L.S. Bro. A. Sheerer; V.G. Bro. D. H. M’Gee; RS. Bro. A. Klewe; L.S. Bro. C. Klewe: minute secretary, Bro. J. A. Harley; financial secretary, Bro. W. Dolling; treasurer, Bro. E. Knight;  trustees, Bros. H. D. Dow, W. Hailey and D. Akes; warden, Bro. S. M’Bean; tyler, Bro. C. P. Ward. Dr. Wallace was appointed medical officer, and H. M’Gukin chemist. 

The aim was to provide and help to members and communities when they need it. The friendly societies were non-profit mutual organisations owned by their members. All income was passed back to the  members in the form of services and benefits.

Read about the meeting here.

Rosewood Musical Union – 1916

Formed Tuesday, 27 June 1916
A praiseworthy step was taken when a meeting was held in the Farmers’ Hall, and it was decided to form a musical union in Rosewood. There was a very good attendance. Amongst those present were Revs. C. A. Capern and C. Pratt, Messrs. P. G. Hickey, J. R. Allen, H. McGuckin, H. Proudlock, Rea. H. Capern, H. Dutney, H. Sheppard; Mesdames Pratt, Glode and Makin; Misses C. Farrell, E. Allen, C. O’SulIivan, Allen (2), R. Smith, D Owens, A. Edwards, M. Thomas, V. Glode, E. Berlin, D. Bade, R. Brown.

Mr. P. Hickey was unanimously voted to the chair. The following were  nominated for the various offices: — Patron, Mr. H. M. Stevens, M.L.A.; president, Mr. J. P. Wash; secretary, Miss C. Farrell; treasurer, Mr. J. P. James; librarian, Mr. H. McGuckin; vice-presidents, Rev. Father T. Kelleher, Revs. C. A. Capern, G. Neal, C. H. Pratt,  Messrs. B. Sloane, E. Bulcock, W. Ruhno, N. Darley, P. Hickey, A. S. Ogg,  Dr. Wallace, and Miss Smith. The subscription was fixed at 2s. per quarter.

The next meeting was set for the next Wednesday night, when further arrangements would be made concerning a pianist and conductor.

Rosewood Farmers’ Union – 1916

8th July 1916 – After an address in the Farmers’ Hall by Mr. W. R. Boyce, secretary to the National Political Council, Mr. H. M. Stevens, M.L.A. (Chairman of meeting) said the time had arrived when an association for the purpose outlined by Mr. Boyce should be formed. Mr. G. H. Kingston moved, and Mr. Mumford seconded, that a branch of the Farmers’ Union be formed, and the motion was carried unanimously.

President, Mr. Herbert Dutney; vice-president, Mr. J. A. Paroz: secretary. Mr. John Evans; treasurer, Mr. Alex. Rodgers; delegates, Messrs. Geo. Setch (Marburg) and the secretary.

(The National Political Council consisted of all associations and bodies who were opposed to the Socialist Government.)

Returned Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Imperial League of Australia (R.S.S.A.I.L.A.) – 1920

A sub-branch of the Returned Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Imperial League was formed in Rosewood on the night of 30th January 1920 at a meeting of returned soldiers in the Shire Hall. In 1965, the RSSAILA’s name was changed to the Returned Services League of Australia (RSLA). In 1990, the name was changed to the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL).

Rosewood Boy Scouts – 27th October 1921

The first steps towards establishing a Scouts’ troop in the Rosewood district were taken when a local committee was appointed at a meeting in the Farmers’ Hall on Thursday night 27th October 1921. The committee members appointed were Mr. B. G. Wilson (president), Rev. T. Edwards (secretary), and J. R. Mark (treasurer). Then a meeting of about 50 residents was held on Saturday 29th October 1921. Mr. W. Cooper, M.L.A., occupied the chair. Messrs J. B. Henderson, O.B.E. (chairman of the central executive) J. R. Alexander (assistant commissioner),  J.W. Owen (general secretary) and Scoutmaster Hutchinson gave those present all of the information necessary for the formation of a new troop. They said that the enthusiasm shown at the meeting augured well for the movement in the district.

Q.C.W.A. (Queensland Country Women’s Association) Rosewood Branch – 1924

The Rosewood Branch of the Q.C.W.A. was formed on 7th August 1924.
The first C.W. A. Annual Flower and Baby Show was held on 5th September 1925 in the Farmers’ Hall. Vegetables, cookery and preserves were displayed and they held “Lucky Dips”. In 1930 fancy work, dresses made from sugar bags and cookery items were also exhibited.  

Rosewood Pastimes Club – 1924

One hundred years ago, on 24th October 1924, the “Rosewood Pastimes Club” was formed at a meeting held in the Rosewood School of Arts. Herb Dutney (Farmer) was elected as President and Shire Clerk, Lindsay Deacon as Secretary & Treasurer. The sub committee was Reginald James Walsh (Solicitor), Walter Edwin Thomas (Cordial Factory Proprietor), Constable Arthur Bruce Clark, Rev. Nelson Howard Finch, Thomas John Regan (Acting Sergeant of Police), John  Richard Allen (Station Master,) David Morgan (Bank Manager), Leo McCarthy Ryan (Bank Official), Edward James Connolly (Labourer) and Patrick James Sloane (Clerk). It was formed for recreational and adult educational purposes.

Rosewood Ratepayers’ Association – 1927

At a meeting of ratepayers of the Rosewood Shire, held in the School of Arts on March 7th, convened by Mr. John Pender, it was decided unanimously to form a Rosewood Ratepayers’ Association. Mr. John Pender was nominated as chairman, but agreed only temporarily owing to pressure of business. Mr W. Wass was elected Secretary, and Mr. McGeary was appointed treasurer.

At a meeting on the 16th, an executive committee of seven members, including the Chairman and Secretary, was appointed. Those appointed were Messrs. H. M. Grant, W. E. Thomas, F. Eichstadt, H. McGeary, and E. O’Sullivan, together with the Chairman and Secretary. The membership fee was fixed at 2/6. It was decided that the funds of the association be banked in the Commonwealth Savings Bank, Rosewood, and the Secretary and Treasurer were empowered to operate on the account. It was decided to hold meetings monthly in the School of Arts.

Mr. John Pender died suddenly from a heart attack on 24th March, and in April Mr. H. M. Grant was appointed to the office of Chairman in his place.

Rosewood Citizens Band – 1927 

18th May 1927 – A meeting convened by the Chairman of the Ratepayers’ Association for the purpose of forming a Town Band for Rosewood was held in the School of Arts. There was an excellent roll up of intending players and supporters. Mr. H. M. A. Grant was appointed Chairman. It was unanimously decided that a band be formed, and the following officers were elected. President, Mr. H. M. A. Grant; Hon. Secretary, Mr. A. G. H. Boughen; Committee, Messrs. V. Zillman, R. Sellars, W. Zerner, W. McGeary, A. Blake, S. Edwards, and W. Claydon, with power to add. The Secretary was directed to write to several musical warehouses to ascertain the price of band instruments. &c., and also to interview some local players. It was decided to canvass the whole town at an early date to raise funds for the band, and sub-committees were formed for this purpose. Five old bandsmen and 16 new players joined. A. hearty vote of thanks to the chair concluded a most successful meeting. The following donations were received.- Mr. Eichstadt, £1/1/; Mr. Zillman, £1/1/; Mr. Grant, £1/1/: Mr. H. Harding, euphonium. 

8th June 1927 – Between 50 and 60 persons were present at the School of Arts for the purpose of furthering matters regarding the formation of a band for Rosewood. Mr. H. M. A. Grant presided over the meeting, and great enthusiasm in the project was displayed by those present. A representative of a Brisbane musical warehouse was present and supplied information regarding instruments required for the formation of a band, costs, &c. Six intending players offered to purchase their own instruments. It was decided by the committee to draw up a set of rules and submit them to the next general meeting. A number of cash donations towards the band fund were promised, and a house to house canvass was to be made. A very successful meeting terminated with votes of thanks to the Chairmian and Mr. Cook (representative of Palings).

23rd July 1927 – At a well attended meeting, Mr. V. D. Ross, of Ipswich, an old bandsman, was appointed conductor to the Rosewood Band. Fourteen new instruments had been ordered, and were due to arrive the next week.

28th July 1927 – A meeting of the Rosewood Band members was held in the School of Arts. Present were: Messrs. H. M. Grant (in the chair), H. J. McGukin, W. Zerner, D. Zerner, F. Chappell, E. Hohnke. H. Embrey, S. Symonds, L Deas, C. Teves. F. W. Eichstadt, J. de Vries, jun., M. Yarrow, A. Blake, L. Boughen., N. Boughen, E. Wass, F. Batzloff, J. Roach, S. Yarrow, W. Claydon, G. Claydon, J. Wright, C. Freeman, W. Wass, S. Edwards, W. McGeary. G. McGeary, C. Harding, J. Zillman, and the Hon. Secretary, (Mr. A. E. Boughen). The 14 new Causenon instruments were drawn for, with the following results-Cornets: J..Wright, F. Batzloff, C. Freeman, L Boughen; tenor horn: G. Claydon, E. Wass; baritones: E. Hohnke, N. Yarrow; slide trombone: S. Yarrow; eumphonium: W. Embrey; E. flat bass: J. Wanka: E. flat bass: B. Nation; side drum: T. Deas; bass drum, C. Richardson. Mr. W. McGeary said that the Brassall Minstrel Troupe would like to assist the band by giving a display in Rosewood. This offer was accepted, and arrangements were made to hold the function at an early date. Mr. H. Embrey was holding a dance at Hillside on Saturday night in aid of the funds. It was decided to curtail Sunday morning practice, and to make Wednesday and Friday nights practice nights, from 7:30 p.m. That night (29th July) the Conductor (Mr. V. Ross) was expected in Rosewood to conduct the initial practice of the band in the Majestic Theatre.

2nd October 1927 – On Sunday afternoon the Rosewood Citizens’ Band made its first appearance before the public in a musical programme given in the Majestic Theatre. A thunderstorm arose early in the afternoon, and before 3 p.m., heavy rain, accompanied by light hail, was falling, the storm continuing until late in the afternoon. Despite the weather conditions, there was a large gathering. Under the conductorshlip of Mr. V. Ross, the band submitted in a very creditable manner the following items: March, “The King’s Highway” (J. Manley); waltz, “Myrine” (Henri Laski); hymn, “Lead, Kindly Light” (C. H. Purday); waltz, “Queen of Diamonds” (Wilton Poche); hymn, “Abide With Me” (Monk); and march, “Zanobie” (Ernest Letter). Miss Girlie Roache (soloist) rendered Gounod’s “Ave Maria,” for which she was recalled. The duet, “Larboard Watch” (cornet and claronet) was given by Messrs. Ross and Will Booth (champion euphonist). Mr. W. Tedford (BB Bass State Champion) contributed several items, as did Mr. Booth (euphonium champion). Each item received well-merited applause. The National Anthem was the concluding number. Credit was given to the Conductor for his efforts in connection with the band, which had only been in existence nine weeks. The President was Mr. H. M. Grant and the Secretary Mr. A. G. Boughen. The bandsmen (numbering 26) had made excellent progress in this short time. With the exception of one or two, none had previous experience in band music.

Rosewood Poultry and Kennel Club – 1928

At a meeting held In the School of Arts on June 19 there vas a very good attendance and it was decided to form a poultry and kennel club The following officers were appointed: Patron Mr. W. Cooper M.L.A.; president Mr. Wm. Yarrow sen.; secretary Mr J B Sloane; treasurer Mr A Blake; vice presidents Messrs Tom Harding and W. Claydon. The membership fee was fixed at 5/ annually.
POULTRY AND DOGS    THE AWARDS      (1928, August 20)  Rosewood Club’s First Show-  Great Exhibition

Q.T. Wednesday, 3rd June 1931 – ROSEWOOD CLUB SHOW – One of the most delightful outings featured this season was the Rosewood Poultry and Kennel Club Show held last  Saturday. I was particularly pleased to see such a splendid entry from our dog enthusiasts in Ipswich, Cars, train, and sulky each containing specimens of the best, which illustrates the obvious progress of our neighbour club. Mr. W. Yarrow, the grand old President, Mr. “Jerry” Sloane, the busy-body Secretary, Chief Steward, N. Bade, and the committee are to be congratulated on the success of the best dog display witnessed in a country township. “Earlston” is thoroughly convinced that our Ipswich fanciers have never enjoyed a more pleasing afternoon’s recreation, and the specimens exhibited comprised some of the State’s best animals. 

The fact that 130 entries were made from 60 individual dogs is quite an inducement for a 2-point championship event, consequently I feel it will be wise for our Rosewood fanciers to keep in view the matter of another application to K.A. for next season. Mr. E. B. Maher. M.L.A. officially opened the show during the afternoon and in a happy seeech, made reference to the many classic specimens  and thorougly appreciated the excellent progress of the Poultry and Kennel Club. 

I desire personally to extend my appreciation to the officials for their hospitaliy. I feel our Ipswich exhibitors will again tender increased support on like occasions in seasonal ns to come. The splendid array of trophies and sashes handed to the various winners would compare more than favourably with most other dog sections of 1-point value. With such a capable committee the result could not be otherwise. 

From a ring-sider’s point of view the judge is to be commended for his general decisions. I, however, simply could not follow his award in the bull-bitch class. I am positive the head, skull, wrinkle, chop, jaw and shortness of face of the second-placed animal was at least 25 points ahead of the winner with little or nothing to separate the remaining features. As a matter of fact, the essential constrained gait and broad sloping deep brisket obviously favoured the loser. I am venturesome enough to state it is absurd and distinctly unfair to exhibitor and exhibit, as well as plainly dangerous for any judge, to cram six or seven animals of various breeds on the board at once when looking for his choice. It should be remembered the judge would be severely reprimanded by any owner should a highly-strung snappy dog take a mouthful out of a competitor’s ear. Then again the owner simply cannot get the best out of his charge when asked by a judge to crush about seven specimens on the board. 

On the day I was pleased to observe the improvement of “Glenmont Fairy.” I would not have been surprised had she defeated “Glendale Beauty,” which animal was obviously off from Mr. J. Sloane’s well known bonnie English setter dog, again figured as champion in local owned class. 

The Ipswich Airedale exhibited by T. W. Walker, was awarded a neat silver cup. A cup was awarded to Mrs. E. J. Hooper for best retriever dog of show. The honours for greyhounds again came to Mr. E. Dutton who also caught the award for champion brace. Mr. Jack Jones’ fox terrier won best dog of the breed and finally won the highest honour of the day-champion of champions-with “Brownlow Buddha”. 

Mrs. J. Harrison won a sash for best collie of show with the well known “Dolly’s Lass” and the local cattle-dog breeder., Mr. T. Weddell, again figured a large winner with his spick and span heelers. Mrs. G. Griffiths collected the chief ribbons and sash with her black pom. 

The best puppy of show was J. Gennon’s “Dryden Glory” which also won open class and challenge. Mrs. S. J. Palmer’s “Hazelville Buller” won bull-dog challenge and best nonsporting dog of show. (I never saw this animal look so fit and it was just defeated for the title of grand champion of show.) 

The champion team of show was awarded to the three specimens, retrievers, paraded by Mrs. E. J. Hooper. The litter class was neatly won by a family of Irish setters exhibited by Mr. R. J. Morgan, of Brisbane.

Very many fine animals were exhibited by Rosewood fanciers. A shapely collie dog, “Rosewood Lad” (N. Bade), Irish setters (C. Greet’s), and local owned greyhounds assisted to make a very fine show.

Rosewood Choral Union – 1931

At a meeting held on 23rd February in the Farmers’ Hall, (Mr. Wass presided) it was decided to form a musical body to be known as the Rosewood Choral Union, and to compete, if possible in the Rosewood Eisteddfod in May. Those present were Mesdames H. Fraser, A. Imrie, E. J. Hogan, Misses G. Brooks, F. Bradley,. T Sellars, I. Wass, C. and J. Armstrong, E. Harding, T. Evans, V. Smith, E. Rise, E. Gunthorpe, D. Williams, Messrs. W. Wass, E. O’Sullivan, H Harding, F. C. Gill, S. Harding, A. R. Blake, C. Taylor. H. Capern, and J. W. Evans. Mr. H. Harding was appointed president, Miss G. Brooks secretary, and Mr. F. C. Gill treasurer. A deputation was appointed to interview Mr. W. E. Mayes relative to the conductorship.

Rosewood Debating and Literary Society – March 1931

At a meeting convened by the School of Arts committee, it was decided to form a society to be known as the Rosewood Debating and Literary Society, Mr. J. N. Wilson was elected chairman, and Mr. A. Capern secretary pro. tem.

Rosewood Orchestral Society – 1932

5th July –  As a result of a meeting convened by Mr. A G. Boughen,  the Rosewood Orchestra, consisting ot 16 players, was formed. The conductor was Mr. H. C. Perina. The election of officers was as follows: Patron, Mr. A. J. Loveday; president, Mr. H. M. A. Grant; secretary and treasurer, Mr. A. G. Boughen; committee, Misses J. Loveday, D. Williams, Boughen, Messrs. H. C. Perina, J. Embrey, and J. Wright. Miss Jean Loveday was elected accompaniste.

A concert, organised by Mr. H C. Perina in aid of the funds of the Church of England, was held in the Farmers’ Hall on July 15th. There was a good attendance. Mr. F. C. Gill presided. The newly formed Rosewood orchestra, under their conductor (Mr. Perina), rendered overtures in the first and second portions. The orchestra comprised Miss Jean Loveday, L. L.C.M. (pianiste), Misses Malie O’Shea, Mary Rafter, Messrs. Ken. Craven, Harry Wilson (first violins), Misses Stella Loveday, Leila Boughen, Mr. R. Hedrick, Masters Geoff Grubb and Jim Bruce (second violins), Messrs F. Bowers, Roy Gunthorpe, Colin Freeman, and W. Haslingden (cornets), A. G. Boughen (clarinet), G. Embrey (euphonium), and Les. Boughen (drums). Others who contributed to the programme were :- Rosewood State School Choir, solos, Mrs. Maloney (Ipswich), Messrs. A. Sellars, C. W. Grigg, and F. C. Gill; recitations, Miss Gloria Taylor; cornet solo, Mr. F. Bowers; violin solos, Messrs. H. C. Perina and Harry Wilson; pianoforte duet, Misses J. Loveday and J. Fraser; comic sketch, Mr. W. Stephens. An amusing mannequin parade was given by Messrs. A. Kleve, G. McGeary, W. Haslingden, C. Freeman, W. Stephens, F. Bowers, W. C. Perina, and A. Sellars.

Ashwell and Lanefield Young Dairy Farmers’ Club 1933

The monthly meeting of the Ashwell and Lanefield Local Producers’ Association was held on October 11th, and was presided over by Mr. Chas. Dutney. Others present were:-Messrs. H. Domrow, J. Domrow, J. Berlin jun., P. Lenihan, jun., G. Yarrow, F. Nimmo, H. Freeman, W. Freeman, A. Merritt, H. Yates, L. Dutney, R. Wass, and the Secretary (Mr. A. Wilfred Johnston). Mr. W. B. Horneman, Dairy Inspector, was also present.

Mr. Horneman convoyed the thanks of the Department of Agriculture and Stock to Messrs. W. M. Krause, C. Krause, W. W. Loveday, Mrs. J. Whyte, and Mr. A. W. Johnston, for the manner in which they were conserving foddier. He stressed the need for fodder conservation, and appealed to all to do their utmost in that regard. He also appealed to the young members present to form an organisation of their own, to work in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture and Stock, and offered to assist in any way, if necessary. 

After discussion It was decided to form a club to be called the Ashwell and Lanefield Young Dairy Farmers’ Club. Mr. Horneman was elected President, and Mr. P. Nimmo, Secretary. It was decided to meet monthly. By the next meeting on 2nd November, in the Ashwell school room, the membership was 22.

Rosewood Choral Society – 1935

Red Cross Society – 1936 and Junior Red Cross at the school.

Mrs. Edward Atkinson, State Organising Secretary for the Queensland Division of the Red Cross Society, addressed a public meeting in St Luke’s Hall on Thursday night, 26th January, when she explained the aims and objects of the Lady Wilson peace programme. Rev. H. Saull presided. After the address, it was decided to form a branch of the society in Rosewood, the following officers were elected- President, Rev. H. Saull; Secretary, Mrs. H. M. Stevens; Treasurer, Mr. F. C. Gill; Delegates to Headquarters, the President and Secretary. The appointment of senior and Junior vice-presidents was deferred. Mrs. Atkinson advised the she would attend the next meeting of the local branch of the Country Women’s Association relative to the senior vice-presidency. Meetings were to be held quarterly in St Luke’s Hall, and quarterly reports made to headquarters. A canvass for members was to be made.

St Luke’s Branch of the Girl’s Friendly Society – 1937

Australian Comforts Fund Committee – 1939

On 7th September a local branch of the Australian Comforts Fund Committee was formed. Mrs. S. Edwards was appointed President, Mrs. R. Wallace Secretary, Miss J. Pender Treasurer. After six years of activity in the interests of the fighting forces, the Rosewood branch of the Australian Comforts Fund was disbanded at the end of November 1945. Grand results had been achieved. For the prior three years the branch was awarded a pennant for filling its quota for the Battle Stations Appeal. In addition to sewing and knitting, members cooked for their pantry shop, which was a regular source of revenue. Regular donations for Christmas was hampers and appeals for the troops had been made, and many letters of appreciation were received from servicemen. Members also greatly assisted the Patriotic Committee by conducting luncheons at its big carnivals. Since 1940 over 4,400 articles of sewing and knitting had been dispatched from the branch to those in the services. Cash raised was £1,867/2/5.

Girl Guide Group – 1951

On 28th February 1951, in the C.W.A. Rest Room, Mrs. A. W. Johnston presided over a meeting of Rosewood ladies interested in forming a ladies’ association to help raise funds to purchase equipment necessary to start the Girl Guide and Brownie movement in Rosewood. It was decided to hold a street stall in March in aid of the project. Officers of the association were: Mesdames A. Littlejohn (president), J. Harding (secretary), and Ron Wass (treasurer). Misses Coralie Harding and Evie Sutherland who were in training, hoped that after they passed their first exam, they could open their troops in Rosewood. Mrs. Evers said donations for the street stall could be left with her.

A meeting of the first Rosewood Girl Guide Group Committee was held on 17th March at the State School. Mrs. A. Littlejohn presided. The Treasurer (Mrs. R. Wass) reported on a very successful street stall. Mesdames R. Wass and A. Littlejohn were authorised to operate a banking account. Miss Coralie Harding, captain of the newly formed Guides, outlined the duties of the committee. The committee arranged another street stall. The meeting decided to meet every fortnight until the opening difficulties were overcome.

In order to stimulate interest in the Girl Guide movement, the Divisional Commissioner for Guiding Mrs. C. A. Foggon visited Rosewood on 17th November 1951 to address a meeting which had been called by the Chairman of the Moreton Shire Council (Cr. A. W. Johnston). The Guide movement was supported by churches, schools, scouts, and other worthy organisations which realised the worth of Guiding – the outdoor life, the practical training, plus a Christian ideal for women of tomorrow. Mrs. Foggon said the Guide movement, which included Brownie packs and Ranger companies, had much to give a community in that it helped to mould sound citizens.

Rosewood No 1 Mutual Benefit Building Society – 1953

An enthusiastic meeting attended by over 100 people at the Farmers’ Hall on 7th October, unanimously decided to form the Rosewood No.1 Mutual Benefit Building Society. The meeting was convened by Mr. Geo. Johnson, of Rosewood, who had considerable experience on the directorate of building societies in Ipswich. In his introductory remarks Mr. Johnson said that he had carried out the preliminary preparations for the meeting because of his conviction that the formation of such a society would be of tremendous help to people who could not hope to achieve ownership of their own homes by other methods. The work of building societies was of great value to the progress of any community, and that no society of any kind could be formed with a better purpose than that of providing homes at a time when homes were scarce.

What made him even keener to try to get people interested in forming a building society in Rosewood was that he had had many inquiries from people who had enlisted his help in getting into such societies already in existence in Ipswich.

Mr. Johnson said that he had received a lot of help and encouragement in his preparations from. Mr. H. H. Francis, who had been connected intimately with the work of building societies in Ipswich for the last 32 years, and had been secretary to the No. 8 Ipswich Society which had recently terminated with record figures. Others he thanked for their help with preliminary arrangements and advice were Mr. T. J. Hastings, for many years a chairman of directors, Mr. J. Birrell, secretary of No. 10 Ipswich Society, Mr. O. Hughes, secretary of No. 4 Ipswich Society, Messrs. Walker and Walker of Ipwich, and Messrs. Gordon Yarrow and N. E. Evans, of Rosewood.

Mr. Johnson pointed out that in the allotment of shares, if the society were formed, preference would be given to applicants of the Rosewood district. He nominated Mr. Harry Francis, who had come from Ipswich with Messrs. J. Birrell and T. J. Hastings, to attend the meeting as chairman of the evening’s business. Mr. Francis was the only nominee for this position and he took the chair and gave an interesting and informative address on the history of building societies in Ipswich, and the great advantages obtained by members of them.

Mr. N. Bade proposed that a Rosewood No.1 Mutual Benefit Building Society, similar in structure to the Ipswich No.10 Society, be formed. The motion was seconded by Mr. A. Coleman and carried unanimously.

Elected directors of the society for the ensuing year were Messrs. T. J. Hastings, A. G. Johnson, J. Birrell (all of Ipswich), and Messrs. G. L. Yarrow, N. E. Evans, P. E. Freeman (all of Rosewood). Mr. Geo. Johnson was appointed secretary and Messrs. Walker and Walker were appointed solicitors to the society. Mr. D. Payne (Ipswich) was appointed auditor.

A motion was carried that the number of shares be fixed at 3000. A large number of people made application for shares before leaving the hall. The directors of the society held their first meeting immediately, and Mr. T. J. Hastings was appointed chairman, Mr. G. L. Yarrow, deputy chairman, and Mr. N. E. Evans assistant secretary.

Junior Farmers’ Club – 1954

MARBURG Officers of the newly established Junior Farmers’ Club at Marburg were elected at a meeting of the club on Monday 25th October, attended by 26 members.

Mr. M. Schubel, who opened the meeting, said the attendance showed great enthusiasm, and he hoped this would be maintained as the club could do much for the entertainment of members and a lot of good for the district. The meeting was attended by representatives of all local organisations, and members of the Lowood club and Q.D.O. branch. 

The State Organiser (Mr. J. Park) outlined the aims, objectives, and activities of junior farmers’ clubs:-  to foster and develop higher ideals and standards for agricultural and pastoral practices, home and community, and citizenship; to instil in the minds of all young people a love of rural life, and greater appreciation of its social and economic importance; to encourage the corporate action of all individuals and organisations who, through associated efforts, may better assist themselves. their community, the State, and nation; to provide opportunity for furthering the education of members of a club; to co-operate with all individuals, organisations. and Governmental departments interested in the furtherance of the objectives of the club.

The meeting decided to form the Marburg and District Junior Farmers’ Club Club.  

Officers appointed were: Leader, Robert Krause; deputy leader William Dilger; secretary, Rose Steinhardt; assistant secretary and club reporter, Marie McGuire; treasurer. K. Whieldon; advisory council, Mrs. Thornton, Messrs. M. Schubel, V Krause, W. Butler, and P. Sprenger; auditor, Mr Macartney. 

It was decided to appeal to local business people and district organisation. for donations to the club’ funds. A donation of £.1/l/ was made by Dicinoski’s service station. 

The Leader, thanking members for his election, expressed the hope that all would work well together and have a happy time. The visitors were thanked for their interest in the movement.

Rural Youth Association – 1965 

Junior Farmers Clubs changed to Rural Youth.

Rosewood Lion’ Club – 1975

Charter President was Sel Heit, Lions Club (May 1975). He was also the publican of the Royal George Hotel.

Rosewood Aged People’s Home – 1987            

 Read The Cabanda Story – by Joyce Reick

Rosewood Community Centre – 2001

Rosewood Mens Shed Inc – 15/12/2017

361-363 Rosewood Marburg Rd, Tallegalla QLD 4340
“Working for All Men”.


© Jane Schy, 2024