Rosewood History

Picnic at the Seven Mile, Rosewood early 1930s


Visiting Minstrels; Comedians; Vaudeville entertainers; Variety Acts; Acrobats; Lantern Entertainments; “Tableau Vivant” (Recreating life scenes with one or more actors or models, silent and static); Clairvoyants; School Concerts; Plays;  Church Socials; Balls; Fete; Picture Shows; Hay Rides; Mystery Dances; Tea Meetings; Picnics; Punch & Judy Shows; Maypole Dancers; Local Choirs and Drama Groups; Skating Carnivals; Swimming Carnivals; Circus Visits; Guy Fawkes Night; Town Band; Guides’ and Scouts’ events; Weddings etc.

1870    20th September – Professor Logan, the “illusionist,” and Barry O’Neil, the comic singer, gave a combined entertainment at the School of Arts yesterday evening. The wizard’s tricks, although not particularly remarkable for originality, were as a rule dexterously performed. Mr. O’Neil sang a number of comic songs in character, which seemed to be highly appreciated by the audience; the best of these, on account of its extreme absurdity, was perhaps “The Tailor and the Crow.” During the evening there were a number of gitfts distributed from the professor’s magic portfolio. There was a fair attendance, the back seats being especially well filled. The performances were continued that and the next evening.

1882   8th March – A travelling troupe on their way to Brisbane stopped a night at the Rosewood Gate to afford an evening’s amusement to the young folks, many of whom saw for the first time a live donkey and two live camels, and a rope-dancer able to perform surprising feats on a single wire. 

1888    29th July – The monotony of this township was considerably relieved by a most enjoyable concert and dance instigated up by the local Rifle Club (Mr. John Lane, J.P., Chairman). A really pleasant evening was spent and the entertainment was a credit to its promoters, comprising a lengthy but far from tiresome programme. Praise was given to the Misses Gates and Vance, for their sweet rendering of the pretty duet, “Friendship,” which was certainly the gem of the evening. Mr. Davidson’s “Lullaby” was really well sung, and fairly brought down the house. The Misses Minogue also gave pianoforte selections, in which they displayed no small amount of talent, and, by their manipulation of the instrument, reflected very great credit on their instructors. Mr. and Mrs. Mark also contributed considerably to the evening’s enjoyment. Mr. Harvey was, as usual, a host in himself, and, by his excellent music, fairly set the young people, and, indeed, some of the old ones, dancing (the latter whether they would or not). It was kept up, almost without cessation, till the wee small hours. Mr. Cook’s piano was kindly lent for the occasion. 

1892   26th September – An entertainment was given in the Farmers’ Hall by the newly formed minstrel troupe in aid of the Rosewood Cricket Club. Financially it was a great success. A few of the members were not quite new to the ” burnt cork business”; the majority, however, were new hands and as a natural consequence, appeared rather bashful. The jokes of the comic men were original and witty, and as they referred to local peoples they amused the audience very much, especially those referring to the Farmers’ Club, the police, and the chemist. The troupe intended to give a similar entertainment monthly in future. Songs were given by two ladies from the audience, which were loudly applauded. Dancing began after the entertainment, and kept up until all were thoroughly satisfied.

1896   10th November – A Lantern entertainment descriptive of “A Holiday Tour Through Tasmania” was given in the Victoria Hall at Rosewood by the Rev. J. M. Bayley of South Brisbane. There was a fairly good attendance, and the Rev. H. Rawlings presided. The views and their description were very interesting. Several hymns shown on the sheet were sung. The proceeds were devoted to the Ipswich Hospital. The entertainment was repeated at Mount Walker the next night.

1901   5th September – Mr. George Tapp and his newly-formed minstrel and variety company, gave a very successful performance in the Rosewood Farmers’ Club Hall to a bumper house. The hall had recently been fitted with a stage and drop-scenes and scenery, and it was the first occasion they had been used. The programme was a capital one, almost every item being re-demanded. The performers, in addition to the Geisha Troupe, was a very clover combination of acrobats. They included Miss Clarrie Lemon, and Messrs. E. T. Jones, Dave Jackson, E. Christie, E. Welsby, and G. Tapp. Tapp quickly establishing himself as a favourite. An unfortunate occurrence somewhat marred the pleasure of the evening. Mr. C. Gordon, the leader of the Geisha Troupe, while rehearsing during the intermission, fell and broke his right arm. First aid was promptly given, and Mr. Gordon was taken to Ipswich, where the injured limb was attended to by Dr. Flynn.

 1911   11th March – Jean Hugard, an Australian card magician, ”the man with the wonderful hands,” appeared in the Farmers’ Hall on Saturday night. Ching Sung Loo, the Oriental Mystifier, assisted by the dainty little Miss See Yoo Soon, was the star attraction of the performance. Others who assisted were Mr. Harry Cowan, popular dancer and comedian and Miss Myra Ellington, vocalist and instrumentalist, who manipulated a beautiful set of up-to-date instruments, including a xylophone, musical coins, a set of superb organ chimes and others.

Jean Hugard was born in Toowoomba in 1871. He used the stage and pen name John Gerard Rodney Boyce, originally aka ‘Jean Hugarde’, later aka ‘Chin Sun Loo’. He was inspired in 1880 after seeing an Austrian magician Louis Haselmayer. A week later he taught himself magic by reading books and he made his debut in 1896. He was a professional from 1900 and moved to America in 1916, working vaudeville 1916-18 and in his own magic theatre in Luna Park (at Coney Island) 1919-29. He retired in Brooklyn to write and edit magic. Named 4th Dean of Magicians (Society of American Magicians) in 1951. SAM Hall of Fame.

1913    15th February –  National Vaudeville Company (Ad from Rosewood Register & Marburg Mail)

1919   18th July – The Big Musical Comedy company appeared at the Farmers’ Hall. A fine programme was arranged in which the Aerial Levartos was the star on the bill. The two versatile entertainers had been appearing in all the principal theatres. They introduced sensational chair balancing on the flying trapeze. Allface and Bendo, in their clever and witty patter and songs; Little Thelma Musgrave introducing the Red Cross sister Baby Mair, the late J. C. Williams’ Pantomime; Miss Viona De Verne in her catchy chorus songs; Miss Phyllis Cortney at the piano. All provided the programme. It was concluded with a screaming comedy entitled, “Little Willie,” in which Joe Bruce, the clever comedian, took the leading role. A dance followed. Popular prices were advertised and it started at 8 p.m.

1920   9th November – At the Rosewood Hall the world-famous singer Gerard Kean gave a concert in aid of the funds of the local Roman Catholic Church. Many of the audience had come long distances to hear the artist who was in wonderful form. His vast repertoire of songs as interpreted by such a unique voice elicited rounds of applause, the enthusiasm exhibited being unequalled in the musical history of Rosewood and district. Mr. Kean’s audience realised that they were listening to a tenore primore who is a complete master of vocal technique and gave him a magnificent ovation. The enthusiasm accorded the singer was unbounded and his singing of Irish and other ballads stirred the listeners. It would be invidious to select any special item from a programme that proved so enjoyable. On Thursday evening Gerard Kean will appear at St. Mary’s Hall when a splendid reception is sure to be accorded him.

1922  On Friday night 28th July, in the Farmer’s Hall,  a pianola recital by a representative of the Aeolian Company was held in aid of a fund for improvements to the Farmer’s Hall.

1924   10th October – A successful fancy dress ball was held in the Farmers’ Hall organised by Mesdames Ogilvie and D. Morgan in aid of the Flower Queen Carnival.” The prize for the best set went to the “Queries” (Mesdames Imrie, Dawson, Misses D. Allen and Plunkett, Rev. T. H. Clark, Messrs. Biggins, Southwell, and J. Wyatte). Miss Rene Ogg (“Powder and Patches”) won the prize for the best lady’s fancy costume and Mr. Vic. Johnston (French artist) won the gentleman’s prize. There was an exceptionally large attendance. The hall was prettily decorated with paper birds, butterflies and flowers and Mrs Fraser’s orchestra supplied the music.

1926   16th March – National Concert – On a Monday night the annual concert in connection with the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations was held in the Farmers’ Hall. Miss T. Brosnan, of Brisbane, a charming singer of Irish songs, delighted the audience with several numbers, and was recalled again and again. The convent school children trained by the Sisters of Mercy rendered appropriate choruses with tableaux effect, and St. Brigid’s Convent Orchestra, comprising Misses Doreen Williams, M. Potts, M. Sloane, P. Thomas, E. Farrell, M. O’Shea, W. Reddan, Violet Smith, Masters Trevor Morgan, P. Smith, and J. Dale, rendered several pleasing selections. The soloists in addition to Miss Brosnan were Misses D. Clothier, M. Sloane, G. Roache, Messrs. S. C. Mossom, and P. Sloane, and instrumental items were given by Miss P. Thomas, and Master J. Dale (violins).

17th March – A grand ball was held in the Farmers’ Hall and was a great success both financially and socially. Visitors were present from Ipswich, Purga, Lowood, Marburg and other centres. The decorations were very effective, streamers forming a tent design in the hall, finished with scrolls of shamrocks round the walls. Mr. J. Roache was M. C. and music was supplied by Miss C. Young, extras being played by Miss D. Allen. Mrs. D. Morgan was chiefly responsible for the organisation of the hall and she had the assistance of several ladies in supervising the supper which was arranged on the stage.

July – Writes Ivy Collett : Miss Kemp’s buckjumping show has visited Rosewood. Dad sold a pony to Miss Kemp, and she said it is a champion for bucking. It is the best she ever had, and she said she would call him “Dice-box”‘ because you never know when he will throw you. We have also had lions, tigers, and a “phantom” for the last two weeks, and the roaring in the night would frighten anyone.

1927   16th September – A very enjoyable entertainment was given in the Farmers’ Hall by the pupils of the Rosewood Convent School, assisted by local artists. There was a very good attendance. All the items were very well rendered and cordially received. The programme was as follows: Chorus, “Before the Sun Awakes the Mom,” and “Hawaiian Melody” by Convent pupils: selection. “Venus Waltz” and “Nights of Sadness,” by Convent Orchestra, Misses Doreen Williams. A.L.C.M. and Molly Potts (piano). Misses M. Sloane, Eileen Farrell, P. Thomas, M. O’Shea, Mary Rafter, Marjorie Edwards, Maurya Wockner and Annie Potts (violins). Mesdames C. Akes, B. Nation, Misses Doreen Potts, W. Reddan, and Mr. James O’Shea (mandolins)]; song. in character. “Skipping Song,” Kathleen Wright. Mary Churchett, Margaret Rafter; monologue. “When the Table is Set for Two,” Mr. E. O’Sullivan; violin solo. “The Rosary.’ Miss P. Thomas; solo. “Dawning,” Miss M. Sloane; comic song. “I couldn’t do that with my Spats on,” Mr. Fisher (encored); selection, “Dream of Home Waltz,”orchestra; solo. “Come Sing to Me,” Miss G. Pwoache (encore “One Last Goodbye”); guitar solo. “Melody,” Miss Doreen Williams.

In the second part, a monologue. “Laugh and the World Laughs with You” by Mrs. E. O’Sullivan; pianoforte duet. “Flick and Fleck,” Misses M. Potts and D. Williams, and a violin solo, “Berceuse de Jocelyn,” by Miss P. Thomas, were followed by a Rondeau, “Princess Tiny Tot,” excellently rendered by the Convent pupils. The parts were taken as follows: K. Wright (Princess Tiny Tot), Rosemary Wright (Lord Chancellor), Margaret Rafter (Major Domo), Annie Potts (Mother Redcap), Mabel Johnson, Nellie Johnson, Mary O Reilly (Blackbirds), Una Madden (Red Riding Hood), Daphne Roberts (Little Maid Pretty Maid), Jack Keane and Kathleen Holohan (Jack and Jill). Tom Bennett (Buy a Broom), Jim Bruce (Little Boy Blue), Eva Dale (Mistress Mary), M. Wockner (Mother Hubbard), Mary Churchett (Little Bopeep), Maurice Potts (Little Jack Horner). A chorus by the children “A “Perfect Day,” brought the programme to a close.

The accompaniments for the children’s items were played by Miss Molly Potts, and for the solos by Misses Jean Loveday, Doreen Williams, Malie O’Shea and Mrs. Gerald Nolan. Afterwards a dance was held, the orchestra supplying the music. Extras were played by Mrs. Gerald Nolan. Mr. J. Roache was M.C. The entertainment was also repeated at Marburg, in aid of the improvement fund for St. Brigid’s Church grounds.

1932   15th July – The newly formed Rosewood orchestra, under their conductor (Mr. Perina), rendered overtures at a concert organised in aid of the funds for the Church of England.

1933   18th October – Camel rides were popular with the children of Rosewood State School on Wednesday afternoon, when a traveller with a team of camels visited the school. A load of four children mounted on each camel’s back.

1935   7th May – Juvenile Concert – Mrs. S. Edwards was the organiser of a highly successful Juvenile concert, held in the Farmers’ Hall, Rosewood, on Friday night, in aid of St. Luke’s Church of England. The Rector (Rev. H. Saull) presided. There was a large attendance, and the programme was very enjoyable. The frocking of the children in the ballet dances and throughout the performance, was most effective, and their training was a distinct credit to the organiser. 

The programme opened with an overture “Constellation” by an orchestra, comprising Misses Thora Edwards (piano), Phyllis Boughen (violin), and Evelyn Boughen (mandolin). The company sang a chorus, “The More We Are Together,” followed by an item, “Who Made Little Boy Blue?” In this chorus Enid Collett sang the solo. Charles Little was “Boy Blue,” and nursery rhymes were sung by Dawn Imrie, Mary Dutney, Beryl and Mona Shearer, and Lily Maroski. Miss Daphne Evans played a pianoforte solo, and played again in the next half of the programme. Dawn Imrie and Jimmy Elder sang “Build a Little Home,” together with a ballet of six girls, frocked in black and white. The ballet comprised Evelyn Boughen, Joyce Beckwith, Peggy Yarrow, Phyllis Boughen, Vera and Thora Edwards. Pauline O’Sullivan gave two recitations. “The Teddy Bears’ Picnic” was sung by Evelyn Boughen, supported by the six ballet girls dressed as teddy bears. Master Willie Stewart sang “Wake Up, Brother Sunshine.” 

The first part of the programme concluded with a dialogue, “The Art of Making Up One’s Mind.” Characters were enacted by Vera Edwards (shopper), Peggy Yarrow (friend), Phyllis Boughen (shop assistant). 

After the interval “Cuckoo” was played by the orchestra, and the chorus “Here We Are Again” was given by the company of juvenile choristers. “We’ll Make Hay While the Sun Shines” was sung by Jimmy Elder and Dawn Imrie, the supporting ballet of six girls appearing from behind sheaves of hay. The chorus and dance, “Bunyip,” was given by Vera Edwards with a ballet of six pyjama girls. Miss Evelyn Boughen played “Springtime” on the banjo. A short play entitled “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was staged by the following children-Peggy Yarrow (queen), Vera Edwards (Snow White), Joyce Beckwith (prince), Thora Edwards (servant) and Evelyn Boughen, Enid Collett, Lily Maroski, Mary Dutney, Mona Shearer, Beryl Shearer and Dawn Imrie (dwarfs). 

The programme concluded with the chorus “Good-night,” by the company. The little children who took part in the concert were presented with swan baskets of lollies by Les Edwards. Mrs. Gordon McGeary was the concert pianist, and Miss A. Stewart was accompanist for her brother. Stage assistance was given by Mr. and Mrs. T. Shearer and Miss M. Edwards. At the conclusion of the concert Rev. H. Saull thanked the organiser, the children, and the public for its patronage.

1935    A dance was held at Mrs M. Embrey’s barn at Tallegalla on June 15th, in aid of the Social Service League. “Victor the Great” (ventriloquist) and Victor, jun., with his Punch and Judy Show, entertained. The barn was crowded. A prize for a lucky door ticket was won by Mr. Ivan Bonney, Rosewood. A Casket ticket was won by Mrs. Frank Gunthorpe, Rosewood. A chocolate waltz was won by Mr. Stan. Koch, of Lanefield, and Miss M. Livette, Brisbane. Music was supplied by Mr. George Wyatte, Rosewood (accordion) and Mr. Victor Knight (jazz drums). Mr. Albert Embrey, Tallegalla, was M.C. and supper was served by willing helpers.

1937  10th July – The residents of Rosewood and district had a great treat when the Rockets’ Comedy Revue and Vaudeville Company played in their big canvas theatre next to Evans’ garage. It is one of the most humorous and most entertaining shows seen here for years. Seldom did such a large company visit Rosewood. Singers and dancers, a host of comedians were included in the giant company, also two Continental acts, direct from Tivoli Theatres, Sydney. Seats for the Rosewood entertainment were reserved at the canvas theatre without any extra fee.

1945   Hay Ride – Cover’s Gully, an ideal picnic spot was the secret destination of the hay ride organised by Miss Dawn Imrie’s committee in connection with the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall Queen Contest. This original form of pleasure riding, which took place on a Saturday night, was a great success. A long line of motor transport vehicles filled with joy-makers on rustling hay, moved from the Rosewood Post Office shortly after 8 o’clock. With the Rosewood Citizens Band aboard, the hayriders made musical tour through the town to Cover’s Gully, their destination having previously been undisclosed. On arrival, a pre-prepared bonfire was lit and the entertainment programme started. Around the huge bonfire the merrymakers did the the hokey-pokey and La Conga. There were games, dancing, community singing, and items by Messrs. J. Capern (solo), A. Beckwith (mouth organ), T. Pocock (accordlion),C. Clewett and R. Turner (recitations), Misses Gladys Purnell and Dawn Imrie (vocal duet), and the Grulke girls of Marburg (Hawailian trio). Selections were played by the band. Winners in the Snake Gully competition were Jean Barram (Mabel) and Ruth Harding (Dave). Entertainment at the loud speaker was given by Jack Capern as “Mabel,” and Bob’ Turner as “Dave.” In fancy costume also were Mrs. George and Mrs. Barram. Announcers at the micrrophone were Daryl Potts and Gordon Horne. An acrobatic display was given by Scouts of the 8th Ipswich and 2nd Rosewood Groups. Miss Imrie, whose candidature was being sponsored by the Rosewood branch of the P.A.F.S.O.A., thanked everyone who helped to make the evening so successful.

1946     Dance – A large crowd gathered at the “Mystery Dance” conducted by the Past Pupils of St. Bridget’s Convent, Rosewood in the Farmers’ Hall, on a Friday night. The music was supplied by Bob White’s Arcadians. At about 9.40 the sensation “Jolly Miller” was held, in which the lights were turned out, during the changing of partners. At 10.30 the couples danced in the darkness once more, this time in the presence of “The Ghost” (M. Elliott) who secured a lady partner and danced with her till the lights were once more turned on. Miss Gladys Purnell was the winner of this novelty dance, and received a prize. The Monte Carlo was won by Miss June Baxter and Mr. Ray Green. Mr. Wally Embrey was M.C. and an extra was played by Miss Doreen Bassett. The public address system was installed for the occasion by Mr. Daryl Potts.

1947   7th February – A travelling show, known as The Fun Merchants, arrived at Rosewood to present a variety show. A large number of children as well as adults gathered to see the show and the sound of the shrieks, whistling, screaming, and laughter issuing from the hall indicated that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Janet Embrey and Gleneeter Primus won the prices donated by the show for the best act by local girl and boy. Local children could be seen trying their hands at rope spinning, clowning, yodelling etc. No report of accidents or burning through attempting to eat fire were reported.

1950    3rd August – The two-act musical comedy, A Nautical Knot, produced by Mr. Noel Harvey, was presented by St. Stephen’s Operetta Company to a large and appreciative audience in the Majestic Theatre on a Thursday night. Rev. J. Dyer thanked the cast of 30 players for the excellence of the entertainment. The proceeds of the evening were donated to St. Stephen’s (Ipswich) and Rosewood Congregational Church funds.

Maypole at the Grant’s home, Alvie (formerly Glendalough)

1953    4th August – A Coronation Maypole afternoon, organised by the Junior Girls’ Friendly Society and Sunday School, organised by the senior G.F.S. and Women’s Guild was held in the grounds of St. Luke’s Church of England. A spectacular item was the tableau formed by 16 girls in white dresses, who waited for their Fairy Queen (Leonie Walters) to parade. While she sat on her flower-trimmed throne they sang “The Fairies Gavotte” followed by dancing of the maypole. Three small girls – Barbara Kleve, Carolyn Waters and Frances Quinlivan acted as fairies and those who carried the arches through which the Queen and her attendants walked, were Shirley Stephan, Susan and Janet Isles, Lenora and Evelyn Mogensen. Other items were Ruby Schmidt as Britannia, and several songs and recitations. Competitions were won by Mesdames A. Stephan, K. Clare, A. O. Loveday. Rev. and Mrs. Fraser Ham were present.

1954    1st May – Two sisters put on a colourful ring act at the Rosewood Show. They were the Roberts Sisters, June (21) and Irene (14) of Warwick, whose act included whip cracking, rope spinning, hill-billy items and rough riding, bullock riding, and buck-jumping when the opportunity presented iItself. June, who was the older of the two held the Australian Jubilee Yodelling Title and the Victorian Jubilee Title, both won in 1951. June won the open bullock riding contest at the Show.

1954   27th August  – The Guides and Scouts’ Ball was held at the Rosewood Farmers’ Hall which was decorated with greenery and flowers for the occasion. The stage was arranged in lounge room effect. The Orchestra supplied the music and extras were played by Miss Noela Gehrke. Highlight of the function was a “mannequin parade” of cocktail wear, evening, bathing, and beach wear, housewife’s, and bridal attire, presented by Des. Dickfos, Ted Sellars, Neville Garson, Ian Harding, John Kerle. Don Kubler, Wllf Freeman, Dave Barram, Glen Wass, Len and Arthur Coleman, Spencer Yarrow, and Alan Coleman. Mr. Bert. Robertson, 4BC announcer, as compere, maintained hilarity during the parade with jokes, radio quips, and satire. Len Coleman, as a bride, was non-plussed when the compere asked for the first dance, then offered the first kiss. The playing of “Old Grey Mare” heralded the arrival of Ted Sellars in a 1900 style swim suit. In modelling babies’ wear, Ian Harding and John Kerle found their “quarters” rather cramped, and “mothers” Ted Sellers and Des. Dickfos found a shove more than a push was needed to move their strollers. Mr. Sellers thanked Mr. Robertson for the able way in which he had carried out his duties. Replying, Mr. Robertson said he had e-joyed the friendliness shown him. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson responded to many re-quests for autographs. Mrs. R. Edwards was hostess. In the official party were Mr. and Mrs. E. East. Ipswich (representing the Guides’ Local Association), Mr. R. Worley. Ipswich (Scouts), Miss P. McGill, Ipswich and Mr. and Mrs. S. Hutchinson (South Brlsbane Scouts). Sprays and buttonholes, the gifts of Mrs. Bloxsidge, were presented to the official guests by two “flower girls,” Spencer Yarrow and Alan Coleman. Supper was served by the ladies of the committee, of which Mrs. Ron Wass was secretary. Door takings amounted to £85.

1954    29th October – About 200 persons attended a screening of “talking films” in the Rosewood Sunday School Hall. Films shown included Mr. W. C. Ward’s film of the opening of the new Rosewood Church, ”Floor Show,” “Wonder Dogs in Action,” “Three Little Bruins in the Wood”, “Glaciers”, “Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II,” “The Queen in Queensland”, “Football in England” and “Royal Destiny”.

1954    8th November – A Guy Fawkes carnival, organised by the Rosewood Ambulance A. & H. Association, R.S.S.A.I.L.A., and Scouts, was attended by a large crowd in spite of the doubtful weather. A parade by the Scouts, Guides, Cubs, and Brownies left Sellars’ Corner at 7 p.m., led by the Rosewood Citizens’ Band. Lanterns and flares made an attractive spectacle as the parade moved down Rosewood’s main street. Guys were judged by Rev. Edward Hunt, of St. Luke’s Church of England, and the prize for the best was won by the Girl Guides. After judging the guys were placed on a huge bonfire, which was lit by the Scouts.

The children provided entertainment with their fireworks during the first hour, and the band played a number of items. During the evening, square dancing was conducted in the show pavillon. This part of the entertainment was conducted by Mr. Geo. Poad, of the Ipswich Ambulance Centre, who brought his own equipment with him. Mr. Les. Boughen lent his public address system, which helped popular compere, Mr. A. Smith, keep the programme moving throughout the evening.

Stalls included a mixed wheel run by the ambulance,”knock–em” by the R.S.S.A.I.L.A. and hot dogs, soft drinks and ice cream conducted by the ladies. A few fireworks were available, but these sold out very early. Races held for children were keenly contested. Items for adults also were included in the programme.

Results of the main events were: Tug-o’-War,  R.S.S.A.I.L.A. team; Wheelbarrow derby,  P. Lacey and J. Leonard; Flat race, 440 yds, Brian Bruce; Single men’s race, Ian Freeman; Ladies’ broom throwing:, Mrs. A. Smith; Ladies’ nail driving, Mrs. K. Clare. 

Sports stewards were: Messrs. J. Harding, J. Howe, N. Rackley, G. McGeary, A. Munro, and J. Wyatt. Gatekeepers were Messrs. A. Powe, J. Anderson, A. Mizen, and G. Keegan. 

A feature of the evening was a treasure hunt for children organised by Mr. F. Barram. A large number of tickets were scattered on the ground, some of them having the names of prizes written on them. The scramble, when the children were allowed to go, kept the attendants busy, as they examined tickets brought to them and paid out the prizes. Two schoolgirls were treated by the ambulance for slight burns caused by exploding fireworks.