Rosewood History
The Commonwealth Colliery
Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld), Tuesday, 7 April 1903, page 8
Among the many properties in this district on which coal was discovered recently is that of Mr. W. J. Hodge, which is situated about a mile or so on the Ipswich side of the township along the railway line. Mr. Hodge bought the land a couple of years ago for a slaughter-yard, &c., in connection with his butchering business. Coal having been discovered there, a shaft was sunk, and the sample of coal taken therefrom proved to be of excellent quality. A company has been formed, and sufficient shares have already been taken up to justify active operations. Mr. M. Patterson, who did the preliminary work in connection with the mine (which, by the way, is to be called the Commonwealth Colliery), has been appointed manager, and under his able supervision mining will soon be in full swing. Machinery has been purchased, and a siding to the railway, which is only across the road from the mine, is in prospect. It is said that good payable clay was also discovered while sinking for the coal. Mr. Hodge may be congratulated, as he has evidently “strunk ile”, and many good wishes are expressed for the success of the venture, which will serve to give an impetus to the trade of the district.
Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld), Thursday, 7 May 1903, page 3
Work in connection with Mr. W. J. Hedge’s Commonwealth Colliery is proceeding apace, and is of a substantial nature. The siding which is to connect the mine with the railway has been surveyed, and has a total length of only 175 yards.
Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld), Tuesday 20 October 1903, page 11
Coal-Mining. Work at the Commonwealth Colliery has been steadily increasing, and it is gratifing to learn that a very good seam of coal has been struck. As the railway siding is completed, it is expected that the first waggon loads of coal will be despatched from here during the week.
The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld), Tuesday, 5 April 1904 , page 5