Rosewood History
Old and New Seven Mile Bridge, Rosewood 1968
Photo: Spencer Yarrow Src: Picture Ipswich
Mason’s Bridge – Rosewood – 1876 (Bridge over Mason’s Gully)
Three Mile Bridge – Opened 9th December 1857, New bridge opened 10th June 1912
Old Toowoomba. Road, Leichhardt between Leichhardt and Amberley. (Bremer River)
Five Mile Bridge – 664 Haigslea Amberley Rd, Walloon (Bremer River)
Seven Mile Bridge – Log causeway 1857 Bridge 1861, 1900 (started Sept), 1968 opened 23rd July. (Bridge over Bremer River)
21st July 1857 – THE BRIDGES AND ROADS — We understand that Mr. James Lewis has obtained the contract for the erection of the bridges over the Three Mile and Seven Mile Creeks, on the Drayton Road, at a cost of £390, the same to be completed within the period of four months. The bridge at Little Ipswich is now being proceeded with as rapidly as possible, but there in a great want of bullock-teams to bring in the necessary material. The Surveyor of Roads intends to send a road party, in the course of another week, to drain and log the worst portion of the the “slough of despond” on the Drayton Road; so that, ere long, under the energetic management of Mr. Roberts, we hope to be enabled to report a decided improvement in the state of the main thoroughfare to the interior.
12th December 1857 – A good and substantial log causeway at the Seven Mile Creek is now finished, and is expected to serve its intended purpose until the bridge itself is constructed.
8th February 1859 – Called for tenders for Sawyers for the Seven Mile Bridge.
14th November 1861 – The bridge over the Seven-Mile Creek beyond, Ipswich may be considered as finished.
1st April 1897 – Rosewood. Nothing of importance has happened in our quiet town during the past fortnight, unless it is the excitement existing over the proposed repair of the Seven-mile Bridge. It is unfortunate for travellers who do not know that it is uncrossable to find, when they get there, that they have to go a long way round to cross, especially as the bridge is on a public road.
25th September 1900 – The contractor for the Seven-Mile Creek Bridge has started work, and, in the meantime, a temporary crossing has been made for the convenience of the travelling public. Mr. D. T. Keogb, M.L.A., certainly deserves the thanks of the community for obtaining the grant to assist the Boards in this matter and enable them to open this highway which has been closed for so long.
Moran’s Bridge Railway Crossing, near Rosewood
Keane’s Road Bridge – Keane’s Road, Rosewood – December 1926 (Bridge over Bremer River). Replaced 2023.
Spressor’s Bridge – Rosewood Warrill View Rd (Bremer River)
Blundell’s Bridges – Rosewood Warrill View Rd, Lower Mt Walker (Bremer River)
M. Hines Road Bridge – Ebenezer (Bridge over Gully)
Brandy Gully Bridge – Lanefield (Destroyed by fire 1904 rebuilt 1906 – cost £64.14s 4d)
Strong’s Road Bridge – Lanefield (Bridge over Western Creek)
Tom Kerle Bridge on Hiddenvale Road, Calvert (Bridge over Western Creek)
Guilfoyles Gully Bridge – 1865 Walloon
Western Creek Bridge -1934
5th November 1931- New Bridge – Mr. E. B. Maher. M.L.A., has been Informed by the Minister for Railways (Mr. Godfrey Morgan) that the Main Roads Commissioner has recommended the erection of a new timber span bridge over Western Creek, on the Rosewood-Mt. Walker Road.
31st January 1934 – Western Creek Bridge – Mr. W. G. Bamberry has completed the new bridge over the Western Creek, situated on the deviation of the Rosewood-Mt. Walker Road, near Rosewood.
Mort’s Bridge – Franklyn Vale – 1923 (Bridge over Franklyn Vale Creek)
McFarland Bridge at Grandchester (Bridge over Western Creek)
Howe’s Bridge at Lower Mount Walker – pre 1885
Stoke’s Crossing on the Bremer River at Mt Walker.
Adams Bridge at Rosevale (over Bremer River)
Kavanagh Road Rail Bridge at Thagoona