Rosewood History



A track developed between Ipswich and the Darling Downs, passing along the southern edge of the Rosewood Scrub.

1843.  January – Samuel Owens was licensed to put up a House of Accommodation at the Old Man’s Waterhole at Alfred (now Calvert).

The site in question,which is about 17 miles from Ipswich in the Reputed County of Stanley but outside the 10 mile boundary line round Ipswich – the premises, which were erected under a Building Licence only, are situated on the boundary line between Laidley Plains & the late Government Run of the Rosewood Scrub Station. (Simpson’s Letterbook 1842-1853)

The Inn’s location was on the road to Drayton. It was built on Allotment 8 of Section 13, in the village of Alfred, which is now the land on the corner of Newcastle Street and Gipps Street, Calvert (43-47 Gipps Street, Calvert, Queensland)

The house was built of slabs, with weather-board front; in first-rate order, and contained three sitting-rooms, three bedrooms, a large bar, with a verandah in front. There was also a capacious store, likewise built of slabs, with a loft above and other improvements in the rear, a stockyard, and a garden, fenced in with a paling fence.

Samuel Owens owned Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Section 13. Later sold to John Kelly McKeon.

1849.  25th October – The tender of Mort and Laidley for Rosewood Scrub Station was accepted.


1854.  June – The Rosewood Station, about 40 miles from Brisbane was sold to Mr. Darby McGrath with 10, 000 sheep.

1857.  1st December – At a Court of Petty Sessions, a new publicans’ licence was granted to Michael O’Brien for the Rising Sun Hotel at Rosewood Gate.

10th December – The bridge over the Three Mile Creek opened for traffic and a good and substantial log causeway at the Seven Mile Creek was finished.


1860.  The White Lion Inn at Seven Mile Creek was opened by Frederick Moore.

1861.  August – The formation of the road through Rosewood Scrub about 9 miles beyond Ipswich was completed.

1863.  June – The construction of bridging over Warrill Creek, two bridges and a culvert at the Rosewood Scrub; also bridges and culverts at the seventeen, eighteen and eighteen and a half mile creeks, were proceeding rapidly. 

 The road gang employed by Mr Austin, road engineer at Rosewood Scrub, went on strike over “wet and dry” wages.

1864.  March/April – Floods At the Rosewood. We are sorry to hear that more serious casualties have occurred than the loss of Government stores or saddles. A great number of the men working on the road, many of them with their families, have had everything they possessed in the world swept away by the flood. A woman, whose name we have been unable to learn, and who was in a delicate state of health, had to remain in a tree all night. The poor woman lashed her three children to her with a clothes-line, determined that if one of her family was drowned, they should all die together.

28th August – The mail coach from Ipswich had an accident between Seven Mile Creek and Rosewood so the mail was bought up on horseback. The passengers were returned to Ipswich.

October – John Farrell arrived in Rosewood. At that time there was only one house and that was the hostelry, the Rising Sun. He was engaged on the railway construction gang, and when the line continued on, John was appointed to take charge of a level crossing, known as Rosewood Gate. He built his little home on the site where the School of Arts used to stand (in the top corner of the school yard).

1865. The railway line from Ipswich to Bigge’s Camp (Grandchester) opened to traffic on 31st July.

1866. The Rosewood Gate became a conditional stop on the railway line.

May – Edward Keys, John Taggart, John Folks were involved in illicit distillation at the Rosewood Scrub at Alfred. The case was dismissed.

The Queensland Parliament passed several Acts to encourage people to take up land.

1867.  April – Floods On the whole there has been a good deal of destruction of property; cattle have been drowned, fencing carried away, and crops destroyed. In many instances the corn crop has suffered severely. We regret also to have to record one fatal accident to a man named John Shine, who was for some time engaged on the railway line, and was well known to many in town. On Saturday evening he was trying to rescue a horse from the flood at Brandy Gully, about two miles from the Rosewood Inn, when he got into the current and was carried away and drowned.

17th August – The Rosewood Scrub was thrown open to free selection by proclamation in the Government Gazette.

22nd August – James Foote made a free selection Seven L, 78 acres 2 roods 27 perches. His selection comprised the land on the western side of John Street from Railway Street up to Lanefield Road. 

It is recorded that the Seven Mile Creek State School opened on 2nd November 1868. However, George Jacobs (teacher at Seven Mile Creek School) opened a private school earlier in October 1867, in a slab building adjacent to an old butcher’s shop.

1868. 1st March – The Macalister’s Crown Lands Alienation Act came into force restricting sales of Crown land to “lots” of land located in the country. Any lands in settled areas and not under pastoral lease were available for selection as agricultural or pastoral land. Any lands in unsettled areas and not under pastoral lease were available for selection as second class pastoral land. Land was proclaimed as open for selection in the Queensland Government Gazette and land agents were appointed in those districts.

17th July – William Mathew selected 80 acres Agricultural land at Rosewood. His selection (portion 283) comprised the land on the eastern side of John Street from Railway Street up to Walloon Road.

1869.  Preparations for cotton-growing were being made near the Rosewood Gate. It was thought that if the weather was good the majority of the growers there would do well.


1870.   20th September – Messrs. Cribb and Foote gave a portion of their premises (formerly known as O’Brien’s Rising Sun Hotel) rent free, for a provisional school to be opened under the management of a teacher sent by the Board of Education. – 15 students

September – Samuel Waight selected land at  Rosewood but he didn’t settle there until 1874. He said that when he came to live in Rosewood, William Mathew kept the Gate-house, which stood where the court house stands today.

17th October – The first Provisional school was opened in old Rising Sun Inn. Walter Hore was the teacher.

1872.  Alfred (Calvert) State School opened on 11th March with Mr George Vowles in charge.

23rd April – The Methodist Church at Ebenezer opened.

1873.  James Foote and William Mathew each gave half a chain of land along the boundary of their properties for a road for public use (John street, Rosewood).

John William Vance offered a piece of land for the Church of England.

19th May – The Bethlehem German Lutheran Church at Stone Quarry was consecrated by Rev. C. Hellmuth.

10th August – The Wesleyan Chapel opened at Lanefield. The building was 25ft. by 15ft., cost £60, and stood on a piece of ground given by Mr. Lane.

16th August – Tenders closed for the clearing and stumping the road (now John St) from the Rosewood Gatehouse. (Received by Lawrence Smallbones, Chairman of Rosewood Scrub Trust). John Farrell’s tender was accepted.

4th December – Miss Jane Brown, Governess in the J. C. Foote family, was returning from Seven Mile Creek when her horse ran her into a tree. She died the next morning as the result of a severe blow to her head.

1874.   A teacher’s residence was built at Rosewood Gate.

2nd April – John William Vance opened a store and Post Office in John Street. (where Evans Garage was, now Rosewood Hardware.)

The second Rising Sun Hotel opened at its present day location.

1875.  1st February – Rosewood Gate Mixed Primary School opened with Dan Desbois as the first teacher.

24th May – The Congregational Church opened in John Street on an acre of land donated by William Mathew. The building was erected for £125. It was celebrated by the residents with a tea meeting.

1876.  First mentions in newspapers of the town being referred to as Rosewood instead of Rosewood Gate.

1st January – Richard Scanlan was appointed the first pupil teacher at Rosewood Sate School.

Mason’s Bridge was built.

8th April – A mail service began between the receiving house at Rosewood Gate and Dart’s farm, running Wednesdays and Saturdays (via Dale’s and the Dam) to accomodate the settlers in those localities, dropping letters along the route.

Mining began at Mooreland Coal Pits at Rosewood in April 1876. Messrs J. & J. Moore sunk a shaft 105ft (32.04m) deep half a mile from the railway station and near to the railway line. Despite their very best efforts, the quality of the Mooreland coal proved unsuitable and it was abandoned at the end of 1878.

Coal mining began near Walloon. An exploratory shaft was sunk at Rosewood in the hope of finding coal for the locomotives. A very fine seam of coal, five feet thick, was found.

Lawrence Smallbone started a blacksmith’s shop.

18th April – Charles Dwyer was granted a publicans’ license for the Bremer Inn at Three Mile Creek.

17th & 19th May – The first inspection at Rosewood Gate Mixed Primary School. Enrolled were 50 boys and 39 girls.

June – A Rest/Waiting Room was erected at the Rosewood Railway Station and was said to be “finest sort on the line”.

November – A Police Station was to be erected and the barracks moved from Walloon. (Completed August 1878.)

1877.  20th February – James Brady M.P. bought a 55 acre farm for £500 at the Rosewood Gate, the property of Mr James Ryan. It was reported that the house, (the Rising Sun Hotel) which was situated on the farm, was old and of little value.

30th April –  The first Telegraph Office opened. Its construction had started in February by contractor, Mr Cramb.

The Mail Service, Rosewood Scrub to Tallegalla, operated by horse, a distance of 7 miles, twice per week.

22nd May – At a meeting in the house adjoining the Cemetery reserve, Trustees for the Rosewood Cemetery were elected: John William Vance, Lucas Ulrich, James Ponting, Patrick O’Donnel, William Ward, Christopher Eitel, Charles Freeman, John Dart and Charles Cowell. 

27th May – John William Vance bought land (Selection Seven L) from James Foote.

9th July – Walloon State School opened with 87 scholars under the charge of Mr. A. B. Kemp.

July – The first Rosewood Show was held in the old school room, with Mr. Dan Desbois, the first schoolmaster, as the secretary.

23rd July – A meeting was held with the object of forming a Farmers’ Club at the Rosewood Scrub. Mr. J. W. Vance, explained at length the nature of a Farmers’ Club, and hoped to see one successfully established. A committee was appointed to draw up a code. At the next meeting on the 30th, the rules were adopted. Officers and a Committee were elected at a meeting on 20th August.

October – The tender of Thomas Christie was accepted to erect a Station Master’s House at Rosewood.

22nd October – A meeting was held at the home of Mr. Jackson re the railway timetable. J. W. Vance said eight trains ran between Ipswich and Brisbane and four between Ipswich & Toowoomba. Only two stopped at Rosewood. “If the “Flying Dutchman” would stop, even by signal, it would be a great advantage”.  People going to Ipswich at 8a.m. had to wait 12 hours to come home at 8.12.p.m.

8th November – Drought. We saw scores of carts, drays, pack horses, and people with buckets, pass the crossing at Rosewood Gate towards the Bremer for water, They had two miles to go from that point. Many of them looked fagged from the length of the journey already travelled. It would ruin any country to allow settlement to proceed upon such terms as that.

The Commissioner for Railways (Mr George Thorn) sent water by every train to relieve the stress. The first one arrived 5th November. Thorn also ordered that a well be sunk on land given by Vance adjoining the railway station. A tube well was also sent for trial to establish whether water could be obtained at shallow depths.

13th November – A Station Master’s House was built to replace old one.

1878.  January – School teacher, Mr Dan Debois was transferred to East Warwick. His successor was Mr. F. W. Johns from Moggill.

29th January – Grandchester State School opened. The first Teacher was James MacDonald.

The Farmers’ Inn at Tallegalla was opened by Michael Goos.

Two trains ran each way each day. There was no chance whatever of reaching Brisbane early in the day, unless a person started out the night before.

15th April 1878 – Mount Walker State School opened.

July – Under the Electoral Districts Act of 1878, Rosewood Gate became Rosewood.

July – Kingsborough Black the became the first Station Master, replacing Mrs John Farrell on the Gate.

2nd August – The first exhibition of the A. & H .Association was held in the school room under auspices of the Rosewood Farmer’s Club.  The A. & H. Association was started owing to the enthusiasm of  J. W. Vance.

22nd  November – The Rising Sun Hotel burned down. It was the property of James Ryan (kept by John Madden). A new Rising Sun was built immediately. A store and two barns also burned down.

1879.  10th June – Tallegalla school opened.

Mr James Ryan put up a new store adjacent to his butcher’s shop.

Two new residents from Ipswich arrived – Mr John Holt and Mr Walter Gosling.

Another hotel was erected and opened in August named the Rosewood Hotel. The licensee was Walter Gosling. The Contractor was John Reilly, Booval employed by John William Vance (owner).

18th July – A meeting was held at the Rosewood Gate to protest against the charge of half-a-crown made by the Railway Dept. for the loading of a truck with produce.

September – Mr. S. Dwyer, the post master went to Brisbane and was replaced by Mr. Hutcheson as telegraph-clerk and post master.

Another blacksmith’s shop was erected. The constant ringing of the hammers on the different anvils all day gives us pleasant music I can tell you. That we can keep two establishments in continual employ is a good sign that we are going ahead.

Mr. Kingsborough Black (Station Master) was transferred to Chinchilla. Mr. Knox replaced him at Railway Station.

11th November – The Walloon Division was created as one of 74 divisions within Queensland under the Divisional Boards Act 1879.


1880.   A new Wesleyan Methodist chapel was opened by the Rev. Robson, the circuit minister, on the 17th May at Tallegalla. The church cost £50 and was opened free of debt because of the efforts of the residents of the district.

July – The Walloon Board passed a new bylaw which imposed a wheel tax on bullock drivers in the division. The Board issued notices calling upon bullock drivers, draymen, and others to pay a license-fee of £5 for leave to travel over the public roads of the district. The bullock drivers, who were also ratepayers of the division, objected to paying the fee or to alter the tyres of their wheels to suit the requirement of the board, and were determined to give up the business rather than submit.

12th September – The new church erected for the Primitive Methodists was opened by Mr. James Foote, a former member.

1st December – The Rosewood Post Office started selling Postal Notes one month after they were introduced.

1881.  St Laurentius Lutheran Church at Rosevale opened. 

April – A weighing machine capable of weighing up to 20 tons was installed at the railway station. It is the most perfect one on the line and can weigh a dray load of corn or a wagon load of pumpkins.

John Herman, a Baker took over the store occupied by Mr. J. W. Vance and had a bakehouse and oven built at the rear of the store. He became insolvent by 1882.

May – Joseph William Evans, licensed chemist, came to reside in the Scrub and was supplying medicines to all who required them.

June – The retiring members of the Walloon Board suspended the operation of the wheel tax before a new Board was appointed.

4th June – circa. 3.30 a.m. The dwelling house of Joseph Wyles, about a mile and a half from the Rosewood Gate was destroyed by a fire. It had been placed up for sale the day before.

24th October – From the “Queenslander: ”A few of the native blacks, a remnant of the tribe that once roamed over the plains as lords of the soil ere the white man first trod the shores of Moreton Bay, visited the Rosewood Gate on Monday, the 24th ultimo, and performed a corroboree, to the great amusement of the white folks who assembled to witness the novel and interesting exhibition.

The Walloon-Rosewood coalfield started operation.

The first petition to create the Shire of Rosewood was raised.

1882.  Phillip Angel arrived in Rosewood and began his baking business, adding storekeeping in 1883.

April – The Wesleyan Church was built by the Primitive Methodists in town on an acre of land donated by J. W. Vance.

10th March – The Government granted an extension of the school grounds which contained an area upwards of 9 acres.

1883.   March – The L.O.L. Success of Rosewood (P.A.F.S.O.A.) was formed.

7th July – Charles Rumpf’s Baker shop burnt down (premises owned by J. W. Vance).

1st September – The Rosewood Hotel was auctioned via Elias Harding under instructions from Mrs.Olivia Vance after the death of her husband.

1884.  Mount Walker Church of Christ opened.

Miss Margaret Blackmore started as a pupil teacher, aged 13, at Rosewood State School. She stayed almost 25 years.

July – There were two Hotels, the Rising Sun and the Rosewood Hotel, (Commercial Hotel to be erected very soon), a Railway Goods Shed, four stores, a blacksmith’s shop, carpenter, bootmaker, saddler, baker, fruiterer and police station. Also a Farmers Hall & grounds and two churches.

19th September – Olivia Vance sold by auction 40 township allotments (Elias Harding jnr Auctioneer)

13th November – David Elder announced he started in business as Blacksmith and Horse-shoer. Also W. Pickering announced he would perform all work as Wheelwright and general joiner.

Rosevale Primary School opened 24th November 1884.

December – The Commercial Hotel was finished being built and opened. The owner and licensee was James Ponting.

1885.  The first Catholic Church in Rosewood opened Sunday, 2nd August. The church was opened by Archbishop Dunne.

In February the Church of Christ erected a church on the on the corner of Matthew Street and Walloon Road. It was moved the same year to Albert Street.

Sept./Oct. – The Collett Bros were erecting a sawmill in Rosewood. The first sawmill was located where the present Bowling Green is situated at 75-79 Mill Street. There were six members of the Collett family and all worked at the mill. The proprietors were William Edward Collett, James Ford Collett and Wallace Henry Collett.

1st October – Charles Martin (Ipswich) built a two storey shop for Joseph William Evans, Chemist, in John Street.

Mr. Aspinall’s boot shop and dwelling house was finished. The roof was covered with corrugated iron, the walls being of plain iron, with studding outside. When painted, the building will be an ornament to the town.

1886.  January – J. L. Frederick, Esq., of the Rosewood built a “pretty cottage” at Burleigh Heads, the first private residence there.

The Rosewood Sawmill was established – Owned by Richmond River Timber Co. (Mr. G. F. H. Atkinson and partner A. F. McDonald, accountant.) Located at 7 Railway Street, Rosewood.

At a meeting held at Rosewood, on Saturday night 13th March, it was decided to form a racing club to be called the “Rosewood Racing Club” to be registered under the Queensland Turf Club rules. The first meeting was held on the 29th July at the Moorland’s paddock.

12th October – Queensland Times – A Rosewood correspondent writes under date 6th instant:- I have not seen any news from the Rosewood in your paper for some time, but you must have heard that we have forwarded a numerously signed petition to head quarters to be gazetted as a shire or municipality.
Of course you know that we have two butcher shops at work–viz., M. Shea and H. M. Gray, and C. N. Schureck is making preparations for another. In the shape of stores, there are five in full swing, and we have also one baker; one shoe-maker, one harness-maker, one tinsmith, one chemist, a jeweller’s shop, one green grocer, two blacksmiths and wheelwrights, three hotels, seven churches and one parsonage, a railway station, a police station, two policemen, an Agricultural Hall, a large dam manufactured by the Government but with very little water in it, very bad roads (because our business is carried on seven miles away from us), seventy eight allotments to he sold by E. Bostock next Saturday, and last, but not least, we have that terrorising Salvation Army. Some sooers are bawling out that they are saved. In my opinion, they have done good, but to see the changes in a few weeks is a caution to snakes; and all this and sundry within the supposed municipality of Rosewood. By the way, we have not a school within the boundary.

On 20th December 1886, a meeting was held in the Agricultural Hall to form the Rosewood Rifle Club. The formation was approved 28th February 1887 (J. Lane Esq.) Designation: The Rosewood Rifle Club.

1887.  1st January – The mail service altered from Rosewood to Minden, a distance of 6½ miles, twice weekly by horse.

The Rosevale Hotel was built by Matthew Carmody.

All Saints’ Anglican Church was erected at Rosevale.

Albert John Vance, Storekeeper, Rosewood, became insolvent.

March – The Rosewood branch of the Salvation Army had started.

8th April – The Rosewood Baptist Church opened at Lanefield. It was built by Alfred Colthup and David Hopper.

13th September – A branch of the Royal Bank of Queensland Ltd. was opened at Rosewood. (Small two roomed cottage opposite the Rosewood Hotel)

Ashwell State School opened on 7th November under the charge of teacher John Taylor.

Rosevale Methodist Church opened 13th November.

1888.  A former mariner, Captain John Nichol Rea, sunk a shaft in December 1887 and opened the Caledonian Colliery at Walloon in 1888.

June – Philip Angel erected a new store in John Street. Henry McGeary built his house. 

7th June – Mr. G. R. Ogg from Royal Bank Charters Towers transferred to Rosewood to take charge of the new branch to be established there.

30th June – Messrs Waters Bros. took over from Butt Bros., Butchers.

John Farrell, contractor, completed the main thoroughfare – John Street, Rosewood.

29th September – A GLIMPSE OF ROSEWOOD
Emmott’s store and drapery – on other side of the line (cnr Railway & Albert St later Ruhnos)
Across the line – police barracks
Opposite police barracks – Rosewood Hotel (Hodge)
Next to hotel Mr Prebble’s general store
Opposite Prebble’s Royal Bank (small two roomed cottage)
Then Mr J Farrell’s (contractor) residence (just completed John Street)
Then Mr Quinn Saddler’s shop
Next door Mr Evan’s chemist shop
Opposite chemist is Congregational Church (Rev Roper)
Commercial Hotel (James Ponting)
Opposite hotel Mr Aspinall’s boot and shoemaker
Then P. Angel’s general store and bakery (largest & best building in area)
Next Mr Elder’s blacksmith, wheelwright, shoe forger, implement maker
Opposite Elders Mr Harcla saddlery and barber – easy shave for 6d
Mr Mathews, market gardener
A little higher up Walters Bros butchering establishment
Next door Mt Arndt general store and produce merchant
Another store Mr D Pfrunder (oldest storekeeper here)
Then Mr Adams wheelwright and blacksmith – employs 4 men
There above is a full list of business premises north of the line

In October  F. C. Emmott & Co disposed of his business to Mr. J. L. Frederich of Marburg who purchased the property (land, store and business).

4th December – The old Rising Sun Hotel building burned down at 3 o’clock in the morning.

1889.  St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church at Rosevale was designed by Father Andrew Horan and built from 1888 to 1889.

January – A foot-race will be held between Billy Collins, the aboriginal who ran in the big handicap at Sandy Gallop on New Year’s Day, and J. M’Millan, of Rosewood, who ran second in H. Mortimer’s Handicap, and also ran a dead heat with Cantwell for the Boxing Day Handicap at Laidley. The stakes are said to be £25 aside, and the distance 150 yards. The event takes place at Laidley, on the19th instant, and, at present, the coloured lad is the favourite.

22nd June – The Queensland Royal Bank secured new premises that were  more adapted for business purposes in a new shop in the centre of town. It was being erected by Mr Thams.

J. W. Evans, the local chemist was contemplating building a new premises on the site recently occupied by Mr. Quinn, the saddler, and he intended to extend his business.

30th July – The new premises of the Royal Bank in John Street was now occupied. The Manager was Mr Hornby.

27th August – Henry McGeary announced that he had resumed his butchering business in his old premises at Rosewood.

October – P. J. Gilligan, “Gilligan & Co.,” built a coach building shop alongside the “soon to be built” Royal Hotel.

7th November – The Travelling Dairy, which had commenced operations at Laidley on the 28th, arrived at Rosewood. It was set up in the Farmers’ Hall.


1890.  January – Frederick Emmott and Mark Bensley established a Butter Factory at Bensley’s farm.

The Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia was formed. Alfred Gower (secretary)

February – Mr. P. J. Gilligan made the first buggy in the area and sold it to Robert Hodge of the Rosewood Hotel.

March – The Lanefield Farmers’ Co-operative Company was established.

April/May – The Royal Hotel was built for John Edward Johnson. His license was granted in August.

1st May – A little before 11p.m., a fire broke out in Mr. C. F. Arndt’s shop. The building was made of wood, and when the fire was noticed by some of the dancers at the local quadrille assembly hall, it was beyond control.

12th June – Philip Angel’s store burnt down. (cnr John St and William St)

11th October – Part of the Walloon Division was separated to create the Rosewood Division.

1891.  31st January – The first elections in Rosewood Division were held. A new Divisional Board; Chairman: S. Hardgrave; Members: S. Hardgrave, A. Kleive; X. Oberle, C. H. Truloff, W. Berlin. W. Arndt, J. Hudson, J. Ponting, R. S. Hodge (the first meeting was held on 11 February 1892)

The Loyal Orange Institution Queensland was formed. (John Wycliffe)

A new saddler, G. Weingartner, started in business in Rosewood and a new baker,  Mr Oliver, commenced operations.

A new shop and residence was erected across the road from the Commercial Hotel.

22nd March – Jacob Webber was accused of trying to burn down the Commercial Hotel, John St (property of James Ponting). 

There were two sawmills to the left of the railway station 1. Messrs Collett Bros 2. Messrs Runge. At Collett’s there was a 76 ft well (to supply the engine) which passed through a fine seam of coal.
There were 4 hotels: (R. Hodge), Commercial (J. Webber), Rising Sun (B. Sloane), Royal (J. E. Johnston)
Rosewood State School – Master was Mr. Swan
Police – Senior Constable Knox & Constable Leahy
J. L. Frederich – Department store (did a large trade)
Mr. H. Prebble (grocery and drapery)
Mr. D. Akes and Mr. G. McCall (plumbers &c.)
Mr. J. Oliver (baker) married Miss E. O’Donnell.
Mr. J. S. Aspinall (bootmaker)
Mr. J. W. Evans (chemist)
Mr. D. Elder and Mr. P. Adams (blacksmith, wheelwrights, &c.)
Mr. C. F. Arndt, Mr. Pfründer (general stores) and several other smaller stores.
The Royal Bank was the chief monetary institution, with Mr. J. W. Hornby as manager, and the well-known “Monty” Carroll presiding at the counter.
The local justices of the peace are Messrs. J. Hudson, M. Bensley, W. J. Hornby, J. Yates, J. Lane, and H. M. Stevens.
The Rosewood Farmers’ Club.
Ashwell State School, presided over by Mr. J. Taylor.
The Tallegalla school under the guidance of Mr. Watkins.

November – The Rosewood Brass Band was formed. W. J. Bennett was Secretary.

1892.   8th March – A travelling troupe visited Rosewood Gate for an evening’s entertainment for the young folks. Many of them saw a live donkey and two live camels for the first time, and a rope dancer able to perform surprising feats on a single wire.

November – Rosewood Court Room was built where William Mathew had his gatehouse. (1 John Street). (Contractor James Campbell Thomson)

1893.  The Post Office was located at the Railway Station and a Railway Official was in charge (until 1903).

February March – Floods – Men drowned in the Eclipse colliery disaster.

Some apprehension was felt by residents that Mason’s dam on the outskirts of Rosewood, might burst and overflow their houses.

March – Harry Preeble started in business “again”. Mr Cuthbert Butt commenced trade as the “Rosewood Cash Stores”.

18th October – The Primitive Methodist Church was sold to Anglican Church on St Luke’s Day.

1894.  17th February – Quite a unique cricket match was played in the paddock adjoining the Rising Sun Hotel at Rosewood when a number of ladies of the township essayed to pay an eleven of the Rosewood Cricket Club.  There were a fair number of spectators present partially due to the novelty of the thing. Men used one hand to bat and field and used a stick the size of a wicket stump to bat. The ladies were unrestricted in number and 18 handled the willow. Ladies won by 31 runs.

The Rifle Range was completed by May.

Merryvale Provisional School opened 10th September with Miss Gibson as the first teacher.

6th November 1894, St Peters Catholic Church at Grandchester was opened by Archbishop Dunne, Rev. Andrew Horan and M. Ryan.

1896.  Mount Walker Congregational Church opened.

Mr Tuffley the school master at Rosewood State School, ordered the students to “about turn” so the children could see the first motor car pass on its way to Toowoomba.

April – Mr. G. Dobson opened a store in Mr. D. Pfrunder’s premises.

July 16th – Messrs. Collett Bros.’ flour mill was completed.

6th October – The Church of Christ at Rosevale opened.

1897.  The Mutual Improvement and Debating Class was formed.

October – Mr. W. Berlin disposed of his farm at a very satisfactory figure to Mr. Phillips, of Zillmere, and purchased the one owned and occupied by Mr. J. Werner.

15th November – At a meeting in the Farmer’s Hall it was proposed and agreed to start a creamery in D. Pfrunder’s Store for the first 12 months to save the expense of erecting a building.

1898.  4th January – The Rosewood Creamery Company started operations in the building formerly used by D. Pfrunder.

27th May – The Masonic Lodge 878 S. C. was formed in Rosewood. The consecration and Installation was held at the Congregational Church. 

A Manse was built for the Congregational Church and was completed by October.

October – Some of the residents of the Rosewood electorate wanted to be exempted from paying the wallaby tax. They said that the marsupial tribe was then almost extinct in their particular division. You could travel all through it and not see a bandicoot. The sole survivors had all fled.

1899.  18th February – A new barber’s shop, combined with a soft drink “biz,” was opened. The property occupied by Mr. C. Weingartner changed hands. Mr. Schafer of Walloon was the purchaser and was fitting it up as a bakery. Mr. Drummond started an establishment for the manufacture of doors, sashes, and other joinery work.

20th July – New Buildings – One which is an ornament to the township, has just been completed for Mr. John Jacobs, who recently disposed of his farm. (Contractor C. Risdale of our town). One is also being built for Mr F. Juillerat who has decided to retire from farming pursuits. (Contractor C. Ridsdale)

Mr. W. Perrem disposed of his farm at Lanefield to Mr. Charles Jacobs (late of Allora but formerly of Rosewood), and was building a cottage on his farm, close to Rosewood. The contractor was Mr. J. Thompson, who had just finished two cottages, one for the same gentleman and one for Mr. T. Harding.

The Moorlands Estate was being sold in blocks of 50 acres and upwards at £2 15s. per acre, and over 1500 acres had been sold, the largest purchaser being Mr. J. L. Frederich. Mr. J. B. Keane became the owner of the house and the adjoining lands. 

Mr. P. H. Adams disposed of his farm to Mr. Charles Smith of Minden, who sold his farm out there.

August – Half-an-acre of land was purchased by Mr. T. B. Tronson for the sum of £200 from Mr. J. Farrell, as the site for a projected commodious store. It was erected in September-October. Mr Tronson planted several camphor laurels in front of the premises.

November – Mr Preeble sold out his business  to T. B. Tronson of Brisbane and he and his family set up again in Southport.

30th December – W. H. Collett opened his newly built bakery shop. 


1903. 31st March – Under the Local Authorities Act 1902, the Rosewood Division became the Shire of Rosewood, while the Walloon Division became the Shire of Walloon.

1905. 27th July – The new Rosewood State School was officially opened by the Hon. A.H. Barlow, Minister for Public Instruction.

1907. 23rd September – The new Rosewood Courthouse and police station was informally opened.

1909. 29th October – Vaisey & Co Ltd was registered. The Rosewood Register and Marburg Mail began operations.

1910. 13th February – St Brigid’s Catholic Church was opened by Bishop Duhig.

1911. January – The Epidemic Hospital opened to accomodate patients.

1912. 26th January – A branch railway line was opened connecting Rosewood to Marburg.

27th January – The School of Arts opened opposite the Rising Sun Hotel.

1915. 25th November – The Dungarees left Laidley and marched over the Liverpool Range to Rosewood.

1916. 13th October – Five shires of the local government areas in and around Ipswich were abolished (Brassall, Bundanba, Lowood, Purga, Walloon) resulting in an enlarged Shire of Rosewood by including part of the Shire of Walloon.

1922. Q.A.T.B. branch was established in Rosewood.

St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School opened in January.

1923. 25th April – The War Trophies were unveiled in Anzac Park.

1924. 7th August – The Rosewood Branch of the C. W. A. was formed.

1929. 14th April – Rosewood Golf Links opened.

1931. 15th December – The electric lights were switched on.

1932. The street lights were switched on.

1939. 30th June – The New Majestic Theatre opened (Proprietress Mrs F. Boughen).

1941. The building originally used as the Post Office at Marburg was moved to Rosewood for the Rosewood Post Office.

1946. 20th June – The  Recreation Footwear Factory commenced operations in John Street.

1948. 14th April – At a meeting of citizens in the Rosewood Farmers’ Hall, it was decided to form a Rosewood Chamber of Commerce.

1949. 29th January – Rosewood Shire was incorporated into Moreton Shire.

1954. The Memorial Hall was built in William Street.

1968. 23rd July – The new bridge opened over the Seven Mile by the Governor of Queensland, Sir Alan Mansfield.

1980. Rosewood State High School opened.

1982. Sellars supermarket and Arcade complex was opened.

1987. October – The Rosewood Aged People’s Home opened. Renamed Cabanda in 1990.

1988. 20th November – The Rosewood Historic Railway was opened to the public.

1993. 21st December – The electric train service to Rosewood began.


2001. Rosewood Community Centre opened in School Street.

2002. 18th July – Rosewood Detention Basin was opened by Wilson Tucket, M.P.

2013. The New Oakleigh Coal Mine, the last near the town, closed down.

2020. 25th July – The Rosewood Library was opened by local government minister Stirling Hinchliffe.

2023. October – Renovations began on the exterior of The Rising Sun Hotel. In December the Police Station was demolished. The site was cleared in preparation for the relocation of the old police house from its original position on the corner of Railway and John Street.

2024. In January groundwork began for the erection of a new Rosewood Police Station. It was officially opened Thursday, 26th September by the Honourable Mark Ryan MP (Minister for Police and Community Safety) and Acting Commissioner Shane Chelepy APM (Queensland Police Service).

© Jane Schy, 2024