Rosewood History
Queensland Police Service
The principal law enforcement agency responsible for policing the Australian state of Queensland. “Our vision is to help make Queensland a safe and secure place to live, visit and do business. Our purpose is to deliver quality policing services 24 hours a day.”
Rosewood Police Station – 1 John St, Rosewood
1876 November – Police Station to be erected – Police barracks to be moved from Walloon.
1890 October – The new police barracks, on the old site, were finished being built.
1907 23rd September- The new Rosewood Court-house and police station, built by C. Ridsdale (£791.15), was informally opened.
1950 March – Employees of the Public Works Department completed the painting of the local police station and residence.
1953 April – The Rosewood police station received a motor cycle and sidecar outfit for police work in the district.
1987 Police Lock-up was moved to BMX grounds to make way for new Police Station.
2015 12th August (early hours morning of) – The old Police Lock-Up was moved from the BMX grounds to Cobb & Co Heritage Park.
2023 November – The old Police Station was demolished as well as a two storey house in Railway Street to make way for a new Police Station. Officers were temporarily stationed at Marburg.
2024 The new Rosewood Police Station opened for business on Monday, 16th September 2024. It was officially opened Thursday, 26th by the Honourable Mark Ryan MP (Minister for Police and Community Safety) and Acting Commissioner Shane Chelepy APM (Queensland Police Service).
Queensland Ambulance Service
Provides timely and quality emergency and non-emergency services to meet the needs of the community.
Rosewood Ambulance Station – 70 John St, Rosewood
1913 Q.A.T.B. Ipswich Committee opened an Honorary Centre in Rosewood
1919 Q.A.T.B. Ipswich placed a wheeled litter at the police station at Rosewood.
1922 Q.A.T.B. branch established – At a Meeting on 2nd November 1922, the local Shire Council decided to donate £25 to the building fund. Tenders were invited for the erection of the ‘shed’ that was subsequently completed early in 1923 at a cost of £94.
1948 Q.A.T.B. – Following the preparation of plans and specifications, tenders were invited for the erection of a Sub-Centre building in a better location, and a residence for the Officer-in-Charge. Long delays occurred through shortages of materials like galvanised roofing iron, and the financial position of the builder. The buildings were finally completed and handed over in February.
1951 15th February – The monthly meeting of the Q.A.T.B. (Rosewood Centre) was presided over by Mr. F. Gunthorpe in the brigade rooms when the Treasurer. (Mr. L. Boughen) reported that the income for the month amounted to £131/10/3, consisting of personal contributions £19/6/6, employees £97/10/-, donations £1/1/- and benefits £13/12/9 (Walloon dance). The expenditure amounted to £95/15/- making a credit for the month of £35/15/3. Accounts amounting to £95/15/were passed for payment. The Superintendent reported that 129 cases were attended to, consisting of transport 112, accident 5, office (severe) 7, and office (slight) 5. A total of 1447 miles was travelled.
1951 21st February – A meeting was held for the adoption of a scheme to set up an Ambulance Centre for Rosewood. There was discussion about the many coal mines in the Rosewood area. Those present agreed that although the accident rate in mining was greatly reduced in recent years, the services of Ambulance were are still required on occasions, and having headquarters at Rosewood would be an advantage. It would also help in the treatment of the ordinary accidents that sometimes occurred in various working places, on the roads, and in town and district homes, and in the transport of cases to hospital, saving waiting time and shortening the period of anxiety and discomfort for patients. It was believed that Rosewood people would be able to meet the financial responsibilities incurred. Figures submitted to the meeting by the Ipswich Centre Treasurer (Mr. R. Watt), taken from returns from the district in the past, indicated that there should be little cause for worry on that score.
1951. 23rd June – The newly established, “self supporting” Rosewood Ambulance Centre, previously a sub-centre under the control of the Ipswich Ambulance Committee, was officially opened by Dr. D. A. Cameron. Mr. Les. Coleman was appointed as superintendent. Twenty collieries on the Rosewood field were serviced by the centre.
1953 17th May – At a meeting of the Rosewood Q.A.T.B. Committee Mr. F. Gunthorpe, who presided, welcomed Mr Yarrow as a new member. The Treasurer reported that income for the month amounted to £192/16/1, consisting of personal contributions £32/15/, employees contribution £114/13/6, boxes £1/14/ and benefits £43/13/17. Expenditure amounted to £617/17/8, including £500 paid off the centre, leaving a debit for the month of £425/1/7. The Superintendent (Mr. F. Barram) reported that a record mileage was travelled during the month. Cases attended to numbered 1781, consisting of transport 146, accident 6, office severe 1, office slight 25. A total of 2,311 miles was travelled.
1954 22nd July – Rosewood Q. A.T.B. – At the monthly meeting of the Rosewood Ambulance Committee presided over by Mr. F. Gunthorpe, the Treasurer (Mr. L. Boughen) reported that income for June amounted to £270/0/11 comprising personal contributions £42, employees’ contributions £219/12/-. boxes £3, donations £1/1/-, benefits £3/15/7, and unendowed collections 12/4. Expenditure totalled £254/10/8, leaving a credit for the month of £15/10/3. The Superintendent-Secretary (Mr. F. Barram) reported that 186 cases were attended in June consisting of eight accidents, 155 transport, two office severe and 21 office slight cases, and 2,557 miles were travelled.
History of the Queensland Ambulance, Rosewood by Ernie Bradley, 1999
Frank Yarrow’s 1949 Ford parked outside the Q.A.T.B. His son Gordon Yarrow is one of the men pictured.
First Aid Certificate from The St. John Ambulance Association, Brisbane, 1930
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
The primary provider of fire and rescue, emergency management, and disaster mitigation programs and services throughout Queensland.
Rosewood Fire & Rescue Station – First station building was at 56 John Street, later 70 John St, now 41A Albert Street, Rosewood.
1942 15th January – At a meeting of the Rosewood Shire Council it was decided to take steps to form a volunteer Fire Brigade rather than come under the control of the Ipswich Fire Brigade Board.
1955 5th September – A public meeting was held in the Majestic Theatre to discuss the possibility of forming a Fire Fighting Unit. Read the minutes of the meeting and other correspondence. (Courtesy of Spencer Yarrow)
1962 29th March – Rosewood Fire Station was opened and volunteers formed Rosewood’s Fire Brigade after the town received its reticulated town water supply.
2000 New premises shared by Qld Ambulance and Fire and Rescue were completed on corner of Church Lane and John Street. (70 John Street)
2021 18th December – A new Rosewood Fire and Rescue Station opened at 41A Albert Street.
State Emergency Services
Assistance is provided for non-life threatening emergency situations during floods, storms or other similar events.
Rosewood SES Depot – 21 Rosewood Warrill View Rd, Rosewood.
The facility is is equipped with all the latest vehicles, boats and equipment to be readily available in any emergency and the team come together once a week to keep up to date with training and exercises.
© Jane Schy, 2024
Published 07/02/2024