Rosewood History

Lawn Tennis Club – Rosewood’s first social tennis club – 24th September 1900


Horse racing took place in the Rosewood district from the 1860’s but they were not events run by official clubs. The race meets were usually organised by the local publican on land adjoining his hotel, or by small groups of enthusiastic residents. Races were held at the Seven Mile as early as 1862. On Boxing Day in 1874,  races took place at Rosewood Gate for farmer’s horses only, on land near the Ryan’s Rising Sun Hotel and again in 1876. On Easter Monday in 1876, races were held at Walloon. The first races at Mount Walker were held in 1882.

The Rosewood Racing Club was instituted in 1886
At a meeting held at Rosewood, on Saturday night 13th March, it was decided to form a racing club to be called the “Rosewood Racing Club”, to be registered under the Queensland Turf Club rules. The meeting was well attended. Mr. W. Conn, of Hillgrove, occupied the chair. After a long discussion on the matter, the club was duly established, and the committee and officers were elected. Mr. J. J. Durack, of Moorlands, was chosen president; Mr. W. H. Brodie, of Mount Walker, vice-president ; Mr. C. N. Schureck, treasurer and Mr. B. Sloane, jun., secretary. After liberal support had been promised, a vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman, and the meeting terminated.

30th April 1913 – Rosewood Amateur Turf Club – A meeting for the purpose of forming a race club was held in the School of Arts and was largely attended. Mr. J. P. Walsh was voted to the chair. The following were elected a committee:-Messrs. B. Sloane, H. J. Wendt, J. Bruce, R. Sellars, G. Clydesdale, W. Keane, R. Hennings, J. Evers, J. Griffiths, W. Stokes, W. Sloane, J. P. Walsh, and R. Bourke. The following officers were elected: Patron, Mr. Jas. O’Shea; president, Mr. Barney Sloane; secretary, Mr. R. S. Bourke; treasurer, Mr. R. Sellars. It was arranged that a deputation would visit the owners of the old racecourse in regards to the use of the track. The membership fee was fixed at 10s 6d. It was decided to affiliate with the Kedron Park Jockey Club. It was suggested that the first Saturday after the Rosewood Show would be a suitable date for the first meeting.

Rosewood Football Club – 1886
At a meeting of young men held in the Agricultural Hall at Rosewood on 19th May 1886,  it was decided to form a football club. Thirty men were enrolled, and it was resolved to play under the Victorian rules.

1910 – Rosewood British Association Football Club
A team of British Association footballers from Rosewood journeyed to Walloon on Saturday 11th June 1910 to play a local eleven. The game resulted in a win for Walloon by 6 goals to I.

1919 – c.1940  Rosewood Ramblers’ Football Club (Juniors &  Seniors)  (Colours black and white)

Friday, 22 February 1926 – A meeting of the Ramblers’ Soccer Football Club was held in the White Rose Cafe. Mr. W. Johnson presided over an enthusiastic gathering. It was unanimously agreed that the old club be reformed, and that they take part in the West Moreton fixtures. Mr. Alexander, of Rosevale, was elected Patron of the Club, and Mr. J. Potts president. A number of prominent sporting men were invited to be Vice-Presidents. It was decided to ask Mr. W. Scorgie to accept the position of Secretary in place of Mr. B. Farrell, who had resigned. It was decided, if possible, to play in the club’s old colours. The membership fee was fixed at five shillings. The matter of procuring footballs and inflater, and the election of captain, &c., was left until the next meeting. The balance sheet showed a satisfactory credit balance, and everything augured well for a very successful season.

Queensland Times, Tuesday 4 August 1931, page 9
Ramblers Junior Premiers, August 3. The junior Soccer fixture, Rosewood Ramblers v. Booval Stars, was played on Saturday. Ramblers won by four goals to nil. Ramblers’ forwards dIsplayed great form. V. Bell scored two goals and J. Potts one. The other goal was scored by J. Tait. Stars’ goalie was trying to put over the bar when the ball slipped from his fingers into the net. Tait, however, played a great game. The game was refereed by Mr. H. Shelton. This win leaves Ramblers winners of the junior premiership in the Ipswich fixtures. This is the first time the Rosewood team has won the premiership, although in previous years they have been knocking at the door on several occasions. They are also well in the running for the Queensland Junior Cup.

The teams were-Ramblers: A. Turnbull, L. Murphy, T. Purnell. G. Roberts, J. Bell, T. Bennett, J. Potts. E. Potts (captain), V. Bell, J. Bennett, S. Purnell. Stars: J. Taft, R. Dowse, B. Denning, A. Tucker, H. Pyle, E. Savage, A. Richards, J. Thornton. R. Bognuda, W. Brown, A. Tait.

Ramblers junior minor team easily defeated Northtown at Booval by 7 goals to 2. R. Sellars (4). F. Wells (2), and P. Johnson (1) were the scorers for Ramblers. Mr. W. Burren had charge of the game.

1936 – Senior Soccer Team – At the invitation of Rosewood Soccer enthusiasts, five members of the Executive of the Ipswich and West Moreton British Football Association attended a meeting at Rosewood on the night of 21st April. Mr. W. Johnsons presided. It was decided to form a senior team. This was the first time Rosewood had entered the senior ranks. The team would take part in the Ipswich premiership competition, which were to begin  in three or four weeks time. The Brisbane Association recommended that four teams from Ipswich and four from the metropolis would compete for the Tristram Shield. The inclusion of Rosewood made it rather interesting, as there would be five teams affiliated with the Ipswich association. On the following Thursday night a conference was held with two representatives from Ipswich, two from Brisbane, one from Bundaberg, the Chairman of the Soccer Council (Mr. E. Green), and the Secretary of that body (N. Stock) with a view to considering the dates of the “Telegraph cup and Tristram shield competitions. On Sunday (25th) Booval Stars visited Rosewood to participate in a friendly game. Practically every weekend Rosewood staged matches against visiting teams, and on occasion travelled to Oxley to play the Uniteds.

Rosewood Ramblers c. 1930  (Photo: Greg Brown)

Here are some names of the Ramblers.
1919- Ramblers: J. Wyatt, W. Bennett, M. F. Farrell, C. Wraight, M. Howe, S, Coleman, J. T. Wyatte, J, Farrell, T. Quirk, A. Sellars, E. Murphy
1924- Ramblers: J. Farrell, J. Bennet, C. Bell, A. Burns
1928- Ramblers: Patron Mr E. Grayson, President Mr John Potts, Secretary & Treasurer Mr W. Johnson. Some of the team – Farrell, Bennett, Bell, Burns
1928- Junior Minor team – N. Wyatte, E. Wass, J Evers, C. Richardson, T. Bennett, Joe Potts (Captain), T. Roberts, L. Black, Jack Potts, E. Johnson, M. Donaldson and R. Edgeworth.
1931- Ramblers: A. Turnbull, L. Murphy, T. Purnell. G. Roberts, J. Bell, T. Bennett, J. Potts. E. Potts, V. Bell, J. Bennett, S. Purnell.
Junior Minor team: R. Sellars, F. Wells, and P. Johnson
1937- Ramblers: J. Tate, H. Roots, T. Purnell, J. Bell, J. Potts, G. Roots, S. Purnell, V. Bell, C. Jones, C. Cowley, J. Bennett.

The club applied to use Anzac Park for the 1940 season. The request was granted providing they cut the grass, but no mention of them thereafter.

Rifle Club – 1887
On 20th December 1886, a meeting was held in the Agricultural Hall to form the Rosewood Rifle Club. The formation was approved 28th February 1887 (J. Lane Esq.) Designation: The Rosewood Rifle Club.

Saturday 4th June 1887 – Some ten or twelve members of the newly-formed rifle club tried their hands at driving holes through their new target. The rifle range was in a paddock kindly lent by Mr. J. J. Durack. Most of the crack, experienced shots were absent, those present being mostly raw recruits. The most successful shots were ex-Sergeant Collett and a Walloon gentleman. These were old hands at the business, and were followed, but a long way behind, by Sergeant Minogue, and Constable Twaddle. At the back of the field were the baker and the butcher, the latter being the winner of the “woode spoon.” It was reported that some of the “big uns” intended to knock the target all to pieces the first time they visited it. The recruits indicated that they would be glad to be shown “how to do it.” 

The Rifle Range was completed by May 1894. This is the article from the Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser, Saturday 19 May 1894, page 6.
The Rosewood Rifle Range is now satisfactorily completed. On Wednesday last, a representative from this journal, in company with Mr. F. Morton (the secretary) and Mr. R. Hodge, paid a visit to the range, which is situated but a short distance from the main road leading from the township, and at a reasonable distance from Rosewood. The work of creating the firing points, targets, marksmen’s post, and mounds was let by contract, and this having been finished, the range has been passed by a Government officer. The targets are situated on the land obtained by the club-a portion of a reserve-while the firing points are on private property, the use of which has been secured. The range is thirteen chains long, and three chains wide. The land when handed over to the club was nothing but a dense scrub, and the work of clearing the whole of which was effected by the members-was not by any means an easy matter. Four firing points have been provided-namely, at 200, 300, 500. and 600 yards, the latter of which has, in order to obtain the proper level, been constructed on a raised and substantial stage some feet high. These have all been tied with strong bush timber, covered with soil, in which natural grasses have been sown. A fairly high mound to rebut the bullets has been erected at the rear of the two targets, which are placed in excavated portions of the ground, the marksmen’s quarters-also constructed of substantial bush timber-being built between the targets. The making of the range has cost about £20, though of the two targets obtained only one had to be bought by the club, Mr. J. C. Cribb, M.L.A., having generously procured the larger one of the two. Although many improvements have yet to be made, the range is a credit to those members of the club who have worked so energetically to secure its completion, and many pleasant outings will no doubt be spent upon it. Mr. J. R. Atkinson, of Ipswich, measured the distance for the firing points when surveying the land and the members of the club greatly appreciate his kindness in doing so. The range will be formally opened on the Queen’s Birthday, when a competition between the members of the Rifle Club will take place, and will be concluded on the following Saturday. The prizes will amount in value to about £25, the principal ones being a sporting rifle (valued at £5 5s.), presented by Mr. J. C. Cribb, M.L.A., a £2 2s. cup donated by the Goldsmith Hall Company, and a pair of photographs given by Mr. W. G. Anderson per the firm of Scott, Dawson, and Stewart. Mr. Cribb will perform the opening ceremony by firing the first shot, and he will also preside at a concert to be given under the auspices of the club in the evening.

Queensland Times (Ipswich) Monday 10 August 1925, page 9
THE ROSEWOOD RIFLE RANGE. OFFICIAL OPENING. The opening of the reconstructed Rosewood rifle range took place on Saturday afternoon, when a large gathering was present. The President of the club (Mr. Eichstadt) extended a hearty welcome to Mr. W. Cooper, M.LA., and said that the Rosewood Rifle Club was one of the oldest In existence in Queensland. In apologising for the unavoidable absence of Mr. Francis, M.P., the President said that they had to thank Br. Francis for the improved conditions which the Commonwealth Government had effected. He also thanked Mr. Cooper for the interest he had taken in the club, and also for donations which he had given them. Mr. Eichstadt cordially thanked the ladies, without whose help, he said, the rifle club would not prosper.

Mr. Cooper thanked the members of the club for inviting him to open the range. He also paid a tribute to Mr. Francis for the work he had done for the club, and was sorry that he (Mr. Francis) was unable to be with them that day. Rifle shooting, he said, was one of the cleanest sports in existence, and he hoped the Rosewood Rifle Club would continue to be successful. Mr. Cooper then officially opened the range by firing the first shot at the 300 yards’ range, and was loudly cheered when the marker signalled a “bull’s eye.” 

The improvements consist of an underground concrete gallery with stairway, the targets working on a shutter system through hatchway in the roof. The stop butts have been considerably enlarged, and a mantlet across in front of the targets makes for additional safety. The surface has been drained, and the gallery underneath will be entirely waterproof. The target house has been reconstructed and shifted further to the right, and the mounds at each range remodelled. The work was carried out by Mr. J. Bowles, of Rosewood. 

A match took place during the  afternoon between teams selected by the Captain and Secretary, and resulted in a win for the Captain’s team. Five shots only were allowed each man. The following are the scores-

Those present included-Mesdames F. J. Eichstadt, C. Wass, J. R. Allen, J. O’Brien, W. H. Collett, W. E. Collect, H. Collett, J. P. Freeman, L. M. Ryan, T. Canham, J. Bowles. T. Haines. W. Richardson, T. Shearer, F. Wass. J. Hines. J. A. Paroz, D. Elder. Besides those taking part in the shoot there were also present Messrs. L. M. Ryan, W. Wass, H. Rice, Walker (Ipswich), C. Dixon. R. Andrews and Lieutenant M. Bade.

Rosewood Cricket Club – 1893
Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser, Saturday 25 November 1893, page 2
Good old Rosewood! It is time that your young men developed their capabilities on the cricket field. At a meeting held at Rosewood quite recently, it was decided, I am informed, to form a cricket club, some twenty members having already joined, among whom I believe, there is some excellent talent. They are considering whether they will join the Ipswich and West Moreton Association.

1910 –  CRICKET CLUB A meeting of those desirous of re-forming the cricket club was held in the School of Arts on Friday night 16th September. Mr. A. M’Lean occupied the chair. The following officers were elected :-Patron, Mr. A. H. L. Mort; president, Mr. A. M’Lean; secretary and treasurer, Mr. P. H. Adams, jun.; committee, Messrs. A. M’Lean, J. Watkins; E. Akes, E. Crabbe, W. J. Keane, F. Sattler. and P. H. Adams. It was resolved to play a fancy dress match the next month, to be followed by a dance in the evening. The secretary was instructed to request an Ipswich team to take part in the match. The president, the secretary, and Mr. J. Watkins were empwered to procure a supply of new cricketing material.

1911 – 25th September. A large and enthusiastic meeting of cricketers was held in the School of Arts. Mr. Alex. M’Lean presided. It was decided to pay half the cost of the new concrete wicket, which was going to be to put down in the show ring. It was also arranged to form a cricket association in the electorate, and a sub-committee consisting of Messrs. Geo. Crowther, Alex. M’Lean, J. P. Walsh, P. H. Adams, and W. J. Young was appointed to arrange with other clubs wishing to affiliate.

1921 – 12th July  The  Rosewood Wattles Cricket Club, applied to the Rosewood Shire Council for permission to put down an antbed cricket pitch on Anzac reserve, and asking for the use of the latter. The answer was that a pitch could be played on the recreation reserve, but not in Anzac Park.

Northern Suburbs Cricket Team, Rosewood

Team names:- Arthur Wyatte, Jacky Smith, Ernest & Stan Blake, Dave & Harold Boughen, George Embrey, Peter Freeman, Pat Smith, Cec Hobbs, Joe Lergesner.
(Identified – Back left:- 1st Stan Blake, 2nd Harold Boughen, 3rd Dave Boughen, Far left back:- Ernest Blake  Front:- 2nd left Pat Smith (wicket keeper), 1st right George Embrey.)

1937 – Rosewood Northern Suburbs Cricket Club.
The first meeting of the club was held at Mr. A. Lergesner’s home on September 8th, when it was decided to nominate a team for the fixtures. Those present were: Messrs. M. Donaldson, R. Sellars, jun., E. Jesberg, J. Yarrow, W. Jesberg, J. Smith, J. Jesberg, A. Baills, J. Lergesner, A. Lergesner, J. Gunthorpe, and E. W. Murphy. Mr. M. Donaldson was voted to the chair. It was decided to form a club to be called the “Northern Suburbs Cricket Club”, and to enter a team in the Rosewood district competition. The following officers were appointed: Patron, Mr. R. Sellars; President, Mr. Maurice Donaldson; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. E. B. Maher, M.L.A., G. Hughes, H. M. Grant, Dr. Wallace, Messrs. M. J. O’Reilly, W. Feltham, A. Capern, J. M. Bruce, J. Roache, and N. Bade; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. R. Sellars, jun.; Committee, President, Secretary, Captain, Vice-Captain and Messrs. E. W. Murphy and J. P. Smith; Delegates, Messrs. R. Sellars, jun., and E. Jesberg. The captain, vice-captain, selection and ladies’ committees were appointed later. The subscription fee was fixed at 5/-, unemployed players to be admitted for 2/6. It was decided to approach Mr. J. Boughen for the use of the wicket on his ground.

By the end of the season the membership had increased to 29. After a few matches had been played. It was found that many members were not getting much cricket and at a meeting held at Mr. J. Smith’s home, it was decided to enter another team in the competition. Both teams played good cricket throughout the season, and although they were well back in the premiership points, they were not disgraced.

5th October 1937 The newly-formed Rosewood District Cricket Association opened the season on Saturday 5th, when matches were played at Grandchester and Lanefield. Grandchester secured the first win of the season, defeating Rosewood by four runs on the first innings. The first ball of the season was bowled by Mr. T. H. Howell, of Grandchester, a keen cricket enthusiast, and a Vice-President of the association. Mr. Howell was a member of the Grandchester team in the days when the Creedys, Rafters, Jack Quinn, and himself very nearly comprised the Grandchester team. Grandchester was always a hard team to beat in those days, and the players were noted for the keen interest which they took in the game. That  same spirit was shown by the members of the present team, who were practically all young players. C. Stokes, 42 not out, top-scored for the team and S. Collingwood compiled 32 and R. Ross 26. V. Kleinschmidt was their best bowler, securing six for 34. Rosewood players did their part to make the day’s play interesting. Included in the team were a number of the previous year’s “Colts,” and several of them showed good form. Norm. Ruhno joined Rosewood that year after a lengthy absence from the game and was an asset to the team. Vince Mullan had visions of at least a half-century when he had compiled 38, but Kleinschmidt clean bowled him. Jim Bruce and Tim Hannam, two  Colts, each reached 21. Joe Potts (17) and Wally Grealy (14) were the other double-figure scorers.

School’s Cricket Association

24th August 1946 – At the annual meeting of the Rosewood Cricket Club, it was decided that the club be re-formed for the 1946-47 season. Officers elected were: Patron, Mr. N. Ruhno; President, Mr. W. Johnson; Vlce-President, Messrs. A. Sellars, W. Leeson, M. Daly, M. J. O’Reilly, A. J. Loveday, H. Freeman, J. Duff, E. O’Sullivan. C. Wall, and Miss C. Sloane; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. J. Lee; Assistant Secretary, Mr. O. Kleinschmidt; delegates to association, Messrs. J. Smith and M. Jensen; committee, the President. Secretary, Messrs. J. Smith, W. Cannan, and T. Hannam. Membership fee was fixed at 5/ and ball fee at 1/ per player per day. Application was made to the Rosewood A. and H. Association for the use of the wicket on the showground for the coming season

Lawn Tennis Club – 1900
The opening of the new Lawn Tennis Court look place on Saturday 22nd September. An awning had been erected and provided with seats for the accommodation of the large number of visitors. Mr. D. T. Keogh, M.L.A., in opening the court, said it gave him great pleasure to be there that afternoon, and he congratulated the members on the up-to-date court they had constructed. He wished the club every prosperity. Tennis was a game in which both sexes could take part, which was an advantage, as where the ladies were, the gentlemen would surely be.

Mr. Keogh said that the Rosewood Rifle Club and all similar bodies in Rosewood had made a name for themselves, and he trusted that the Tennis Club would also distinguish itself. He had much, pleasure in declaring the court open. Mr. Keogh then put the first ball over the net. The first round in the tournament for the medals began and resulted as follows: J. Quirk and Miss A. Hanlon beat Maher and Miss Hanlon 6 -2; Thomas and Miss Bourke beat Sharpe and Miss Farrell 6-3; J. Walsh and Miss O’Brien beat J. Toffley and Miss Farrell (15 points), 6-5; W. B. Rutherford kindly acted as umpire.

The committee spared no pains to make the function a successful one. On a section of wire netting around the court the word “Welcome” was worked in large letters made up of flowers and greenery, and the court was nicely decorated with foliage and flags. Refreshments, ample and dainty, had been provided by the lady members of the club. A case of soft drink was also kindly donated by Mr. WalterThomas, representative of Mr. W. G. Livermore, of Ipswich. Several toasts were proposed and duly honoured, after which the gathering dispersed. The club had about 20 members. The contests for the medals were to held on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

During the afternoon a photograph was taken of the party. (See main photo above)

New Court – 16th December 1922  A pleasant function took place on Saturday afternoon when the Rosewood Lawn Tennis Club was officially opened. Besides the members of the club, a number of visitors were present in honour of the occasion. The president (Mr. W. E. Thomas), in a brief address, expressed the club’s appreciation of Rev. Father McKenna’s for granting the use of the land for the tennis court and in having the fence erected. He asked the members to co-operate in their efforts to reduce the present overdraft. The president then declared the court open and at his request Mrs. J. M. Bruce, patroness of the club, sent the first ball over the net . A very interesting exhibition match took place between Mr. F. Molloy (Ipswich) and Mr. C. Haley (Marburg), the latter winning by 8 to 2. The lady members of the club dispensed afternoon tea.

Tennis Club – 1901 (Ruhno’s)

Rosewood Rugby League Football Club – 1919
In the lead up to the formation of a Football Club in Rosewood, the first rugby match of the season and the very first to be played on the new Anzac Park Recreation Reserve was held on Saturday 13th March. The Rosewood Rugby League secured a victory over the Brisbane Railway team by 14-6. They were entertained at Clifford’s Hotel. The Rosewood players selected were:- full back, A. Sellars: three-quarters, A. Imrie, D. Ryan, R. Little, N. Ruhno; five-eighlths. J. Noonan; half-back, J. Sloane; forwards, V. McGuire, R. Millard, K. Carmody, P. J. Hogan, A Neville, and P. J. Sloane.

On the evening of 1st July,  a large and enthusiastic meeting was held in Mrs. M’Laren’s rooms for the purpose of forming a Rugby League Football Club. Mr. W.  Bourke presided. Present:- Messrs. W. Bourke, H. M. Sheppard, T. Pares, J. Hogan, R. Hines, J. Sloane, W. E. Thomas, P. J. Hogan, J. Coveney, J. Reddan, Jno. Sloane, J. Noonan, P. Sloane and N. Dean, (secretary). Mr. W .Cooper, M.L.A. was appointed patron, Mr. W. Bourke, president, and Mr. N. Dean, secretary, with a committee consisting of the president, secretary and Messrs. J. Sloane, T. Pares, and R. Hines. It was unanimously decided that a Rugby League be formed, to be called the “Rosewood Rugby League Football Club” and the colours to be black. The entrance fee was fixed at 5/. The secretary was instructed to purchase a ball and book of rules. The secretary was also asked to write to the Shire Council for permission to play in the park.

1934 – New Rugby League Club – A meeting of those interested in the formation of a Rugby League football team for Rosewood was held in Mr. G. Wright’s saloon, 16th April, when there were present: Messrs. F. Scanlan, W. G. Turner, V. J. Mullan, G. Wright, A. Sellars, W. Cannan, A. Ward, J. Johnson, R. Sellars, E. Wright, J. Batzloff, P. Flemming, W. Yarrow, F. Wright, S. Farrell, L. Hughes, and L. Boughen. Mr. F. Scanlan was voted to the chair and it was decided to form a new Rugby League team.

The following officers were elected- Patron, Dr. Wallace; President, Mr. F. Scanlan; Secretary. Mr. V. J. Mullan; Treasurer, Mr. G. Greenhill. A number of Vice Presidents was also appointed. The committee is to comprise, the Patron, President, Secretary, Treasurer. Messrs. T. Quirk, W. E. Thomas, E. O’Sullivan; coach, Mr. T. Quirk; trainer, Mr. A. Sellars. The Captain and Vice-Captain are to be selected later. One of them, with the Secretary and Mr. T. Quirk, will be the Selection Committee. Referee, Mr. A. Sellars; deputy referee, Mr. S. Farrell; linesmen, Messrs. E. Wright and S. Farrell; Social Committee, Messrs. F. Wright, J. Johnson, R. Sellars, S. Farrell, and the Secretary.

The Secretary was instructed to ask the Shire Council for permission to use the Rugby League ground in Anzac Park for the season. It was decided that the colours of the club be maroon with a white V and that the membership fee be 1/. Social functions were to be arranged as soon as possible to help raise funds for the purchase of jerseys. The Secretary was to procure a ball for practice.

The Secretary was to write to the Queensland Rugby League for copies of the latest rules of the game. It was decided to have two training nights a week, and Tuesday and Thursday nights were suggested. The Secretary requested that any spare jerseys from the old club should be handed in to him. It was decided to hold a working bee on the following Saturday afternoon to put the ground in order, and that a scratch match be played on the next Sunday. Mr. A. Shearer, local honorary Ambulance bearer, was asked to attend club games.

Rosewood Rugby League Team ca. 1956/7
Back Row: L-R Keith Dobbs, Ted Sellars, Arthur Williams, Ray Dickfos, Des Dickfos, Graham Wyatte
Middle Row: L-R   Keith Lambert, Chester Maculan,  Glen Brennan, Arthur Wass
Front Row: L-R Roy Berlin, Barry Abraham, Pat O’Neil

Rosewood Pony and Galloway Club – First meet 23rd 0ctober 1920   ROSEWOOD PONY AND GALLOWAY CLUB

Rosewood Hack & Pony Club – 1969

Lanefield girl, sixteen-year-old Jeanette Embrey, won the show jumping State Championship of the Pony Club’s Association of Queensland in 1973 at Beaudesert. Riding her 8-year-old galloway gelding “Sparks” in the 13 to 17 years class, Jeanette defeated 46 competitors. She received a gold medal, sash an trophy. Sparks was trained on the family’s Lanefield farm and could jump well above his own height.

Photo at right: Jeanette and Sparks (with permission Jeanette Mclaughlin)

Rosewood Swimming Club – 1920
A meeting was held in the School of Arts on Tuesday night , 7th December, when it was unanimously decided to form a Rosewood Swimming Club, and the following office bearers were appointed:-Patron, Mr. J. R. Keane; president, Dr. Wallace; secretary and treasurer, Mr. P. Sloane; captain, Mr. J. E. Evers; committee, Messrs D. Ryan, T. Quirk. J. Evers, Milne, and Stubbs, and Miss Keane. A number of citizens were appointed vice-presidents. The matter of erecting dressing sheds at Keane’s lagoon was left in the hands of the committee. A large number of members were enrolled. Mr. J. E. Evers offered to donate a gold medal to the swimmer making the best progress during the season.

Rosewood Amateur Athletic Club – 1923
With the object of furthering sport in Rosewood, a meeting was held on Wednesday night 26 September 1923, when a harrier club was formed. About 30 people attended and Mr. Gerald Nolan presided. The following officers were elected:- Patron. Mr. J. M. Bruce; president, Mr. J. E. Evers: secretary and treasurer, Mr. D. J. Byrne. It was  decided to afflilate with the Queensland Amateur Athletic Association, and to hold weekly runs. Mr. O. P. Soderholm donated three trophies for the first night’s events, and trophies were also donated by Messrs. J. E. Evers and G. Nolan. Messrs. Evers and Nolan were deputed to go into the matter of three suggested grounds on which to have the sports.

Daily Standard (Brisbane), Thursday 13 July 1933, page 6
New Club Formed.- That excellent worker in athletics, Mr. Malcolm Pettigrew, was at the last council meeting of the Q.A.A.A. as delegate for the new athletic club at Rosewood. This club comprises a number of young fellows who are keen on the game. They intend to conduct a sports meeting on Saturday, July 29, and invite as many Brisbane athletes, as possible to attend. It is to be hoped that there a good attendance from Brisbane to encourage this young club.

Rosewood Camp Draft – 1928
The First Grand Annual Camp Draft, organised by the Rosewood Agricultural and Horticultural Association, was held on Saturday, 14th April 1928.

Rosewood Golf Club – 1928     Golf Links -1929 (9 holes)
1928 –  At a well attended meeting held in the Shire Office on Tuesday night 21st August, the Rosewood Golf Club was formed. The following officers were elected: Patron. Mr. Joseph Francis, M.H.R.; president, Rev. Father O’Rourke; secretary, Mr. F. C. Gill; treasurer, Mr. T. R. Sweeney; committee, Miss J. Pender, Messrs. S. Trewick, D. O’Brien, H. Tighe, W. Kerr, A. J. Loveday, with power to add; vice-presidents. Mr. W. Cooper, M.L.A., Councillor F. J. W. Eichstadt, Dr. Wallace, Messrs. F. Yarrow, and H. M. Grant. Mr. J. Boughen’s paddock, about a mile from town, was leased and the preparation of the greens was to commence immediately.

There was a good attendance today (19th April) at the official opening of the Rosewood Golf Club, which was recently re-formed. Ipswich professional (Mr. L Katterns), who was one of the many visitors, congratulated the club on the progress it had made. The course was in fair condition. Many Ipswich golfers were present, incluing Ipswich Golf Club President (Mr. J. Taylor). The competition was a nine-hole stroke event. A Burns, of Ipswich. was the winner of the best gross score with 38 off the stick. The best net score went to K. Jaggers (41-7-34). Jaggers also won the men’s long drive contest, and R Edgeworth won the men’s approach. Miss K. Kavanagh, who plays with the Ipswich Golf Club, returned the associates’ best gross score with 58. The best net score was that of Miss C. Kavanagh (60-18-42). Mrs. N. Armitage won the associates’ long drive competition, the approach contest was won by Miss K. Kavanagh. [Queensland Times, Monday 20 April 1953, page 3]

1954 – HAPPY? The Secretary of the newly-formed Rosewood Golf Club (A. F. “Happy” Akes) told this one on himself last weekend. Last Saturday week there was a working bee on the Rosewood course. “Happy” went down and announced to the other toilers, “I’m not going to work this afternoon, I’m going to win the G. J. Saunders Memorial trophy at Ipswich tomorrow.” With that he wandered off to a quiet part of the course equipped with a bag of golf balls. “Happy” was quite satisfied with his workout after he had hit up to 400 balls between two gum trees. Next morning he was unable to get a mate to go to Ipswich so he was left no alternative but to hire a taxi for the 12 miles trip. When he arrived at the course he was puzzled to find no-one in sight. Eventually he found a man busy cleaning up the club-house and he approached him. “Are they playing the G. J. Saunders this afternoon?” he asked hopefully. “Come inside,” answered the cleaner, “there is the scoreboard, it was played yesterday.” Was “Happy” happy? What do you think?    [Queensland Times, Saturday 12 June 1954, page 5]

Rosewood Amateur Wheelers – 1930
Cycling enthusiasts formed a new club at Rosewood, and interclub events were staged periodically between the Ipswich Wheelers and the newly formed club.

Friday 25th September – A meeting for the purpose of forming a cycling club for Rosewood was held in the Majestic Theatre. Mr. V. Pickle was voted to the Chair, and Mr. B. Nation was Secretary. It was unanImously decided to form a club to be called the Rosewood Amateur Wheelers and the following officers were appointed:- Patron, Mr. E. B. Maher, M.L.A.: President, Mr. N. J. Boughen: Secretary, Mr. B Nation; Treasurer. Mr. W. Baker: judges. Messrs. G. Pocock. A. Sellars and B. Pocock; handicapper. Mr. W. Bickle: starter, Major Marshall; time-keeper, Mr. W. Baker. The appointment of Vice-Presidents was left in the hands of the Secretary. The membership fee was fixed at 5/ for seniors and 2/6 for juniors. It was decided to have road races on that Saturday week for the seniors and juniors. Mr. W. Baker donated trophy for the junior race, and was accorded a vote of thanks.

Cyclists from Rosewood Amateur Wheelers, 1920s (Photo: Picture Ipswich)

Cyclists include Sir Gordon Chalk (3rd from left). He was born at Rosewood 16th May 1913 and was Premier of Queensland for a week, from 1 to 8 August 1968.

Rosewood Motor Cycle Club – 1931
At a meeting of local motor cyclists held on October 9, it was decided to form a motor cycle club, to be known as the Rosewood Motor Cycle Club. Mr. H. Wacker (Brisbane) was appointed patron. The following officers were elected: President and captain, Mr. T. Downie; vice-captain, Mr. A. Evers; secretary, Mr. A. Sellars: committee, the president, secretary, and Messrs. C. Freeman, A. Evers, and W. Haslingden.

2nd October 1938 – On Sunday afternoon 2nd, a group of club members visited the Seven Mile at the invitation of the Rosewood miners for the picnic held there. The large crowd present was entertained by thrilling displays of riding and by a display of solo and sidecar stunts. In several of the events, unrehearsed incidents had the spectators on tiptoe. In the sidecar potato race, the most spectacular event, some of the riders were over-shooting the pegs and crashes were only avoided because of the expert skill and dexterity of the riders in the solo events. One rider turned the wrong way and more thrills were witnessed. However, the rider, using all his daring, came out on the right side. The skill of the riders was at a high standard, and their performances were a credit to their quick perception and management of their machines.

Queensland Times (Ipswich), Thursday 10 August 1939, page 8
MOTOR-CYCLING. Club Run to Archerfield. By “Twin.”
Motor-cyclists had another feast of thrills last weekend, when events were conducted at Rosewood Speedway. Messrs. Boughen and Collett must be congratulated on the way everything was conducted. Apart from the bit of mud to be ploughed through in reaching the ground, everybody was happy. Some Ipswich boys will remember the mud for a long while. Outfits were in a bad way, and where deep tracks were cut riders and passengers were obliged to get out and push their machines to dry land. The next club run is to McLean’s Bridge on Sunday. It is near the Archerfield Aerodrome. Club members will leave Limestone Hill at 8.45 sharp. It will take the form of a novelty run. Everybody is asked to suggest games which may help to brighten the day. New members and intending ones are asked to attend. Events will be provided for the ladies. On August 25 an open acceleration test will be held at Briggs-road. Entries close on Saturday, August 19, at Collett’s and Boughen’s.

Rosewood Basketball Club
Affiliated with West Moreton Association in September 1933.

Q. T. 9 April 1946 – At the annual meeting of the Rosewood Sports Club recently, it was decided to re-form the Basketball Club and field two teams. The Treasurer’s statement showed a credit balance of £15. Oficers elected were: Patron, Mr. N. Ruhno; President, Mr. V. Shearer; Secretary, Miss Jean Clark; Treasurer, Miss Betty Evans; Captain. Miss Betty Pocock; Vice-Captain, Miss Jean Clark.

Affiliated with Ipswich and West Moreton Association in March 1947. In 1947 the team was called the “Rosewood Robins”

Basketball Team early 1950s
Back L-R: Lorna Waller née Murphy, Kath Neith, Maureen Freeman née Jacobs, Glenys Coleman, Gladys Gunthorpe née Parnell.
Seated L-R: Joan Krebs née Langdon, Alice Bade née  Chilcott, Lurlene Gardner née  Murphy, Gwen Cassimatis née Hawkins.

Rosewood Gun Club – 20th April 1936
A meeting convened by Messrs. E. J. Battle and D. O’Brien, for the purpose of forming a gun club for Rosewood was held. Mr. E. J. Battle presided, and there was a good attendance. It was decided that a club be formed, to be known as the Rosewood Gun Club. The following officers were elected: Patron, Mr. W. Ruhno, President, Mr. H. M. A. Grant: Vice-President, Mr. E. J. Battle; Secretary, and Treasurer, Mr. S. Yarrow; committee, the President, Secretary, Vice-President, and Messrs. D. O’Brien. N. Aspinall, N. Ruhno, and V. J. Mullan. The appointment of captain was deferred. The entrance fee was fixed at 15/, with an annual subscription of 5/. The committee was to arrange for an early opening of the shooting, and material was to be purchased immediately. Clay pigeons were to be used, but for special shoots the club would use live pigeons.

The Rosewood Amateur Boxing Club – 1936
The Rosewood Amateur Boxing Club was granted affiliation and given permission to conduct a tournament on March 6th. Prior to this they were under the auspices of the Rosewood Amateur Athletic Club. Their first tournament was in 1935 as outlined below.

Queensland Times Thursday 26 September 1935, page 2
BOXING. Rosewood Tournament. ATHLETIC CLUB’S SUCCESS. ROSEWOOD, September 25. The first tournament conducted under the auspices of the Rosewood Amateur Athletic Club, held in the Majestic Theatre, Rosewood, on Monday night, was a great success, reflecting great credit on the organisers, Messrs. A. Shearer (President), A. V. Wildermuth (Secretary), and J. T. Wyatt (Treasurer). The door takings exceeded £16, and the big crowd included sporting enthusiasts from many other districts. About 25 ladies watched the performance. The bouts were capably handled by that well-known ringman, Mr. Barney Dwyer, while Messrs. Jack Walsh and Fred Evans proved themselves impartial judges. The timekeeper was Mr. E. J. Battle, and Mr. S. Yarrow was announcer. Attendants also were Messrs. A. Shearer (doorkeeper), Joe Potts (usher), T. T. Wyatt (clerk of scales), Jas. Wyatt (glove steward), and M. Yarrow (ticket office).
In the schoolboys’ tournament (four 1 min. rounds) Keith Willson defeated Eddie Dale on points. It was a good, even fight, and Dale put up a good performance in spite of a few pounds less weight.
I. Hingst (9.2) defeated A. Bonney (8.10) (four 2min. rounds). Bonney was aggressive, but lost points by open hand hitting.
K. O’Shea (7.56) won from J. Harvey (8.1). O’Shea put up a good performance considering that he gave away almost a stone.
C. Hogan (9.10) defeated C. Bonney (8.11). After a few exchanges in the first round, Bonney stopped a solid punch under the heart, and the towel came in from the corner.
P. Fleming (9.10) won from O. Kleinschmidt (8.10) (four l½ min. rounds). Fleming looked for a knockout in every round instead of boxing, otherwise the performance was good.
E. Morrison (8.12) defeated E. Gillow (8.91) in four l½ min. rounds. As the judges disagreed, an extra round was fought. After solid going, Morrison won.
L. Evans (10.12) defeated H. Koch (9.12) by a narrow margin. This was an even contest with points even until the last round. Evans’ aggressiveness won him the bout in the final round. It was a good performance by both.
T. Hefferan (10.0) won from D.Wallace (9.2) In four l½ min. rounds. Hefferan’s weight told in the last round.
An exhibition bout was given by T. Williamson (10.12) and W. Manz (11.6).
A challenge boxing contest. J. Wanka v. F. Batzloff, did not take place, the latter failing to attend.
It is the intention of the organisers to stage a similar night in the near future. Some handsome trophies have been promised. Donors of trophies for Monday’s tournament included. Miss C. Sloane, Messrs. T. Baker. J. Anthony. N. Ruhno, S. Yarrow, W. Baker, R. Brainwood, T. J. Higgins, and M. J. O’Reilly.

Rosewood and District Trotting Club – 1937
A meeting was held in the Farmers’ Hall on the night of 19th October to discuss the formation of a trotting club at Rosewood. Messrs. S. H. Scells, J. O’Keefe, and W. Orr, of the Brisbane Trotting Association, and Mr. M. Scells, of the Brisbane Trotting Club, were present to explain the aims and objects of the association. There was also a representative attendance of trotting enthusiasts in the district. Those present were: Cr. C. Littmann (Chairman, Rosewood Shire Council), Messrs. E. H. Hughes (Secretary, A. and H Association), S. Farrell, W. Dance, A. Wendt, T. Young, J. Roache, W. D. Grant, W. Sloane, A. Baker, J. Wanka, H. Martens, C. Martens, W. Piper and Walter Dance. Mr. S. H. Scells thanked Mr. Hughes for calling the meeting, and said the object was to form a trotting association at Rosewood as a branch of the Brisbane Association.

It was decided to do this. Cr. Littmann was appointed Chairman, Mr. S. Farrell Secretary, and Mr. W. Dance Treasurer. Cr. Littmann thought holding trotting meetings in Rosewood would be a boon and a benefit to the district and if they went the right way about it they would get support. Messrs. W. Dance, T. Young, and A. Wendt were appointed delegates to the Brisbane Association.

Mr. Scells said they wanted to get trotting on a better footing. Rosewood was more central than Brisbane for trotting supporters, and, in the event of a club being formed here, they had been promised support from Boonah and other districts. In reply to a question, Mr. Scells said he thought it would he better for Rosewod to form a club of its own, which would be assisted by the Brisbane Trotting Club. He assured the meeting that they would get good support in prize money and horses from Brisbane. It was decided to form a club, to be known as the Rosewood and District Trotting Club. A committee comprising the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Messrs. E. H. Hughes and T. Roache, was appointed to make preliminary arrangements and submit recommendations to a general meeting to he held later.

Rosewood Speedway 1939
The speedway was opened on 6th August by Cr. C. J. Murphy, Deputy Chairman of Rosewood Shire Council. The circuit was built during the War years on the Boughen’ family’s land and was the first purpose-built road racing circuit in Queensland and possibly Australia. It was a dirt track and was used high speed racing for motor cycles, motor cars and side cars, the last race motor cycle race being held in 1949.

Rosewood Fishing Club – 1946
At a well attended meeting in the Shire Office on 16th May, it was unanimously decided to form a Rosewood and District Fishing Club. In addition to about 17 members present, others willing to join will gave the club a membership of 25 to start. Mr. M. Donaldson was appointed President, Cr. I. Ham, Patron, Messrs. C. Stewart jun., and J. Davis Vice-Presidents, Mr. G. Dale jun., Secretary, and Mr. J. Davis Treasurer. The appointment of captain and weighing-in scrutineer would be decided at each trip. The formation of rules was discussed at length. Tentative arrangements were made for a trip early in June to Greenbank after the bream.  A successful season was anticipated.

The Rosewood Fishing Club had its first outing on Saturday night (8th June) when members went to Tweed Heads. Captain for the night was Maurice Donaldson. Thirteen members participated in the competition. The total catch was 250. Les Wiegand, with 40 fish, won the competition for the highest aggregate of fish caught. His brother Ernie won the trophy for the heaviest bream, weighing 1¼lb., just beating Bob Brooks by an ounce. Members returned home on Sunday afternoon.

Rosewood Bowling Club – 1948
A meeting was held in the School of Arts in 15th July, convened by Cr Isaac Ham, for the purpose of the formation of a Bowling Club in Rosewood. Present were Isaac Ham, Cr. C. Murphy, Messrs W. N. Ruhno, H. Ross, A. Imrie, W. P. Grealy, N. J. Armitage, E,. Weigand, A. Sellars, A. E. Maxwell, G. Houston, G. Mackay, J. Wyatt, Len Boughen, V. Birch, J. R. Reid. Apologies: Messrs S. Trewick, E. O’Sullivan, J. Davis, N. Rackley, A. Loveday.

RSL Sports Club – 1951
At a meeting of the Roewood R.S.S.A.I.L.A. Sub-branch on Wednesday night, 5th September, the formation of a sports club in Rosewood was discussed. It was decided to form such a club to be called the R.S.L. Sports Club. Officers elected were: Patron, Dr. Rawle: president. Mr. G. R. Park; secretary, Mr. E. A. Edgeworth: treasurer, Mr. R. H. Kerle; committee. Messrs A. E. Smith, J. Leonard,  E. Wright, A. Stephan and J. Madden. The Secretary was instructed to ask the A. and H. Association for permission to use the show pavilion as a gymnasium. A set of rules was drawn up and accepted. Mr. Allan Bailey (new resident) was appointed supervisor of the gymnasium. Mr. Bailey was a Golden Gloves holder in 1948, runner-up in the State titles 1949, and undefeated metropolitan champion In 1948, 1949 and 1950. He retired in 1950. The President and Secretary said Rosewood was very fortunate to have the services of Mr. Bailey. It was pointed out at the meeting that the R.S.S.A.I.L.A. was not interested in any financial gain from the operation of the gymnasium, but merely proposed to place it on a footing where it could fulfil its own financial obligations. It was decided to spend approximately £75 on the purchase of gear for the gymnasium, the money to be refunded to the league from public subscriptions and donations. Mr. Kerle offered to supply some materials until the committee could obtain its own materials.

The R.S.L. Gymnasium was opened 12th February 1952 in the show ground pavilion. Mr. Allan Bailey, well known in boxing circles, (winner of the Golden Gloves in 1948) was appointed instructor. By April the gym had 40 members and training nights were Monday and Wednesday.

Rosewood Aquatic Centre opened in October 1966 as ANZAC Park Swimming Pool (Mill St, Rosewood )
In 1968 entry to the pool was 5c.

Snippet of info: Fred Simpson (ex RAAF), brought his family to live in Rosewood in 1971. Fred managed the pool for the Council. He employed Phill and Vicky Embrey to run the pool for 4 seasons in the late 1980s. 1987/88  Entry to the pool was 50c for children under 15 and adults $1.

In December 2014, a Pelican pool and spa hoist, floating sling and wet area wheelchair was installed at the Rosewood Aquatic Centre. New Hope Colliery and the Rosewood and District Community Bank jointly provided half of the $15,000 needed to supply and install it and the other half was covered by Ipswich City Council. The equipment made accessing the pool facilities accessible for people with a disability as well as local seniors.

The pool has now reached the end of its useful life. The council is considering the planning and construction of a new centre.

Swimming centre – late 60’s (Photo courtesy of  Spencer Yarrow, whose car is parked in front.)

Rosewood Judo Club – 1969
Barry Fechner, who held a black belt for Judo, started the club in the Farmers’ Hall and ran it for 18 years.

Rosewood Gymnastic Club – 1977-1984
In 1977 Graham Thouard started a Gymnastic Club in the Memorial Hall in William Street, Rosewood. He commenced from humble beginnings to eventually having one of his young gymnasts (Jon Duncan) become a member of the Queensland Gymnastic Team. Graham’s wife Gloria was also a coach with the gymnastics club and was instrumental in running a programme for children with mild disabilities.The club was a very successful club with sessions running over three days each week with a large number of coaches caring for up to 100 young gymnasts. Sessions were held every Wednesday and Friday nights, Saturday mornings and Sundays as required.


© Jane Schy, 2024

Published 07/02/2024